Chapter 10 - The Accident

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As I sprint up to the house, I notice that Mariah's car is parked in the driveway. Oh boy,  I wonder if she got into an argument with Dylan over that stupid toy. Ugh! He's so annoying! I better make sure she is okay. 

I quickly stumble up the steps and barge inside, turning the corner to the living room to find that the lights and television are out. Is it possible she's in bed already? Hmm... It's only 9:00 pm; surely she's not. 

I trudge up the steps and down the hallway to the spare bedroom to find her curled up in bed asleep. That's strange; she's not normally in bed this early. I can't help but chuckle aloud.  Maybe all those sleepless sex-filled nights are catching up with her. Regardless of the reason, I'm not going to wake her right now; I'll wait to speak with her tomorrow. 

I march over to the linen closet in the hallway, grab two towels, and tiptoe into the bathroom before closing the door behind me. I need to wash off all the sticky grape goo residue from my body. I turn the lever to the shower on and wait for it to heat up before climbing inside. 

My mind is racing as I quickly run the sudsy loofah across my entire body. I can't help but think about Seth. How am I going to quit him when I have to leave for school? Those days are fast approaching, and I dread it. It's already the end of July. I leave for school in August. 

I place my hands up against the shower wall to stabilize myself. I am catching feelings for this man so fast, and it scares the shit out of me. I guess I'm not the type of girl who can carry on a meaningless physical relationship with someone for a short period of time.  I had hoped that I was strong enough to see this through, now I'm not so sure. 

Before realizing I'm getting caught up in my own worrisome thoughts,  a chill runs down my spine as goosebumps spread across my body. Jesus, how long have I been in here? The water is frigid!  I quickly turn around to flip the lever to the shower and climb out, wrapping a towel around my body and hair before sneaking down the hallway to my room. I can hear Momma softly snoring with her sleep mask on as I pass by her room into mine. 

I walk over to my dresser to pull out a gown and panties before slipping them on and rush downstairs. I snuggle up on the sofa with an afghan while flipping through the channels on the television. After a few hours, I end up crashing there before I even realize what hit me. 

The next morning I wake up to the sun shining through the blinds. With one eye squinted, I glance at the clock on the wall; it's 10:30 am. I push off the sofa and walk through the entry to the kitchen, but something catches my eye on the coat rack as I pass through- Mariah's purse. 

Hmm... that's odd; she must have left her purse at home today. I continue to walk through the kitchen to raid the refrigerator but catch a glimpse of her car parked in the driveway out the window in the exact spot it was last night.  Oh shit! she didn't go to work today? 

I spin around and run up the steps to her bedroom to find her curled up in the same spot as she was the night prior. I hate to wake her up; she looks so peaceful. I'll give her until the afternoon, and I'll check in on her then. I quickly get myself ready for the day and head back down the steps into the kitchen to fix some grub. I anxiously kill time by eating and watching television until noon approaches. I can't wait any longer; I need to find out what is going on with her. 

I trudge up the steps and peek in the doorway to find her curled up in the fetal position, facing the window. I tiptoe into her room and climb into bed with her while cuddling up under the covers. She flips over, facing me, "Do you need anything,  Colie?" I ask as I brush the hair from her eyes. 

She shakes her head from side to side, "No, I'm okay. I'm just spent right now, and I'm cramping hardcore. Aunt Las gave me something this morning, but it hasn't helped. Plus, I'm bloated, and nothing fits me. I feel like a beached whale."

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