Did he really forget? [Ray]

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Ray and I had a little pact going on that we would have a date night every second Friday. That had been decided pretty early in the relationship when we couldn't find a date and just decided to do it this way to be able to plan better. It was in my opinion the best idea we had so far and it was fun to think of something different each Friday. We took turns on planning it and this week Ray should plan it.

But now, it was seven pm and he still wasn't home. Normally, Ray gave me a hint what I should wear or something like this but today he hadn't even mentioned the upcoming date. What if he forgot it? He didn't say anything about working late and normally, Ray would have been home by now. Oh fuck, could he really forget it? Maybe he was just busy.

At half past seven, I decided that Ray in fact forgot about the date night and was at rehearsal or with one of the boys. Great. I went changing into more comfortable clothes, a hoodie I had stolen from my boyfriend ages ago and some leggings.

I put on some music and distracted myself with it. Closing my eyes, I started to dance to the music, singing along quietly. I was perfectly capable of having fun without Ray, I told myself defiantly. Well, that sounded pathetic but I really was looking forward to our date nights. Goddammit boy, why did you have to forget me?

Suddenly, two arms wrapped themselves around me from behind and squeezed me. I shrieked and jumped.

The person behind me laughed and I recognised the voice as my boyfriend. "It's only me."

I relaxed and leaned against him, still upset that he forgot the date. "Where have you been?"

Ray pulled me closer and kissed my head, swinging us to the music slowly.

"I had to prepare something. Come on, get your jacket, we're going out," he said and stepped away from me and to the door.

I grinned. Ray didn't forget it! Yes! "But I can't go out in this."

"You look beautiful like this, just come," Ray brushed off, looking at me softly and extended his hand to me.

I rolled my eyes at the cheesiness because I for sure could look better but who would say no to such a sweet compliment from the man you loved?

Ray guided me to his car and drove us to the park. The radio was the only thing cutting the comfortable silence, playing quietly in the background.

At our destination, Ray helped me out of the car and held up a blindfold, grinning cutely. "Put this on."

"Why?" I asked, laughing but took it from him anyway.

"Because I don't want you to spoil the surprise, now shush and take my hand," he instructed with his hands on his hips in a fake-stern posture. So I put the blindfold on.

I extended my hand but instead of talking it, Ray pulled me in his side, his arm wrapped around my waist and guided me on a path as I could feel under my shoes. We loved to walk around the park together and I often came here in my lunch breaks to read a book so I knew the way we were walking by heart.

We were on our way to an ancient oak tree with deep branches that almost brushed your head when you walked under them. There was a bench built around it and it was my absolute favourite place of the park.

Ray hummed something as he guided me and I was filled with anticipation on what he had planned. If he hadn't been holding onto me, I would probably have been jumping around and be giddy over all, asking questions. But because he was quiet, I was too. Ray's calmness somehow had jumped over to me.

Finally, we stopped. "You can take off the blindfold now," Ray whispered as if to not disturb the peaceful silence.

I did and my jaw fell to the floor. It was beautiful. The tree was illuminated with more fairy lights you could count what must have made it be visible for miles. The light was a beautiful combination of warm yellow light and the green of the tree, making it look like something straight out of a fantasy novel. Under the branches was a blanket with all kinds of sweets, some more lights, pillows and blankets.

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