the new kid and assholes at lunch [Frank]

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Physics was the most annoying class in the world. And putting it at eight in the morning was just brutal. Seriously, what were they thinking?

And still, I had gotten myself to school, barely awake in my seat and clinging to my thermos cup full of coffee. On top of that, the stupid teacher was late. Great.

I was doodling something on my blog, hoping to forget my surroundings when someone in front of me cleared their throat quietly.

Already prepared to give a most likely mean response for bothering me, I looked up. I stopped myself early enough because I hadn't seen this boy ever. And for that he didn't need to get yelled at just because I was in a mood.

"Hey, uhm, I wanted to ask if I can sit there maybe?" He pointed to the empty place next to me where I had put my backpack.

I forced a smile on my face because he looked kind of scared of even talking to someone and nodded. "Sure, sit down. What's your name?"

The boy took the seat, staying on the edge of it and playing with his fingers he rested on the table. He was fairly short, maybe an inch taller than me and that was short and had black hair. It looked dyed but I couldn't be sure. His clothes were kind of messy, like he picked the nearest jeans and band shirt he could find in the morning. Kind of cute, I had to admit.

"I'm Frank. Who are you?" Frank introduced himself and glanced at me interested.

"Y/N. You're new, right? Or am I just terrible at remembering faces?" I joked.

Frank giggled, and oh shit, that was an angelic noise. I was so far gone already. Shit. "No, I'm new. We actually moved yesterday and mom wants me to go as soon as possible 'to make friends, you are always so antisocial and stop playing that song'," he put his last words in quotation marks and rolled his eyes.

Now, it was my turn to laugh. "I can tell, that we'll be great friends. Should I show you around and stuff? And what song were you talking about?"

Who knew that making friends was this easy? We chatted eagerly until the teacher came and then we just kept whispering. Although Frank had to introduce himself to the class and it was awful. That poor boy stumbled over his words, suddenly shy again after he just started loosening up to me as we talked.

Red faced, Frank sat back down. Yes, he had to get in front of the class, our teacher was a dragon in human form who had approximately the same age. Frank let his head fall down on the table. "I hate this school already."

I patted his hair. "You'll be fine."


Over the past weeks, we became inseparable and it turned out that it was even easier to fall in love with him than to befriend him. Well, shit.

Of course, I would never make a move because this friendship was too precious to me to be destroyed by some dumb feelings of mine.

Again, I was sitting in Physics but this time waiting for Frank to show up to endure hell with me together.

Finally, he entered the room, wearing a black sweatshirt with some kind of logo covering the front and the hood pulled over his hair.

Grinning brightly, Frank sat down next to me and put out his things. "Hello, Y/N!"

"Hey, Frankie," I greeted him, smiling because he was cute like this, all happy and not being able to sit still, "why so happy over physics?"

"Look!" And then, Frank pulled down the hood, uncovering his hair. The sides were shaved and bleached blonde while the top remained black. It gave him something badass.

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