I am here [Frank]

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"I'm over here!" Kristin grinned and waved frantically in order to catch my attention at the busy airport. We had planned for me to surprise Frank for our anniversary today so I had packed a few things and came over to see them.

And Kristin was on tour with them anyway this time so it was the perfect timing.

I ran over to her and hugged her tightly, almost knocking her over in the process. "I missed you."

"I missed you too. Should we head to the hotel? The concert's in a few hours," Kristin proposed and took my bag from my shoulder to carry it for me.

I nodded and pulled a face. "Yeah, I'd like to take a shower before we watch them."

So we made our way to their hotel where Kristin brought me to her and Mikey's room because I couldn't just walk into Frank's. He would see me and then the surprise would be spoilt.

As I said, I jumped under the shower while we just kept talking, or more shouting at that point through the door, about what we had missed in each other's life.

And then we had to get to the venue already, me walking to the crowd that was forming while Kristin went backstage so Mikey wouldn't get worried about her going missing (he needed a good-luck-kiss and a hug before the show as Kristin told me with a wink. Pretty cute if you'd ask me).

The time passed pretty quickly and suddenly Gerard was announcing their first song. The crowd was going crazy by then, screaming and dancing.

I didn't really have a plan of how to progress with the rest of the day so for now, I resorted to dancing and singing like everyone else. I hadn't been down in the crowd of their concerts in ages and just realised how much I had missed it. The atmosphere was incredible.

My boyfriend was giving his everything, thrashing around the stage and colliding with almost everything in his way. Sweet Jesus, he was hot like this. I was relatively close to the front so I had an excellent view of Frank, all sweaty and pouring his heart into his guitar or annoying Gerard to death.

Now, Gerard strutted over to Frank (probably to annoy him back), who was facing the back of the stage, and let his gaze go through the fans. I could tell the exact moment he found me because his expression changed from being completely immersed in his music to confusion to happiness. I waved at Gerard who smirked back at me and walked to the part of the stage that was closer to me instead of doing God knew what with Frank.

He motioned for me to come over what I did while Gerard just kept going with the show. To my surprise, I got right past the security guards and got pulled on the stage by Gerard. Well, with a little help of the security guards who just threw me up like it was nothing. I was confused as hell but went with it.

The fans went crazy as they saw someone else on the stage but Frank kept playing, oblivious to what was happening. Well, he was currently trying to jump on Ray's back so it would be fairly hard to notice anything for him.

I shook my head and grinned at my boyfriend. Mikey waved at me from his position and then shooed me to go and scare Frank to death.

So I did. I walked as close as possible to the moving hurricane known as my boyfriend, wondering when Frank would see me. Really, it was almost ridiculous how close I could get to him, given the fact that I was not part of the performance and walked freely around on their stage.

Finally, Frank looked up from his guitar and for once had his eyes open. The instance, he recognised the person standing in front of him, he just let go of his instrument (it was the end of the song anyway) and attacked me with a kiss. It was messy and passionate and full of adrenaline and perfect. I clamped my hands around his sweaty neck and he held onto me like he never wanted to let go again. Well, being away from each other for four months with only calls sucked.

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