let's freak out over something that is totally not worth it [Frank]

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Frank took my hands in his and squeezed them gently to get my attention. The typical cocky grin was replaced by something softer and I felt myself getting lost in his hazel eyes. "That's got to be the best date I ever had."

"Yes, I really enjoyed it," I said sincere and smiled happily. Probably looked like an idiot but I couldn't find the will to care.

Wait fuck. No no no!

This wasn't supposed to go so smoothly. It should have been horrible so my feelings for him would die after the first five minutes of awkward silence. Yet, here we were after spending the best few hours of my life together and I was falling even harder for Frank. A little part of me was melting at his cute face but a much bigger one was freaking out slightly. This didn't stop me from making moon eyes at him though.

Until Frank opened his mouth again, this time with a painfully hopeful glimmer in his eyes. "Can we repeat this some time again?"

Cue for me panicking and stuttering out a short apology to flee into the safety of my home.

Groaning, I leaned against my door, head banging painfully against the hard wood. Fuck.

"So good?"

I jumped at the voice. What the fuck?

Hurriedly, I scrambled to get the light switched on. What was Mikey doing in my house?

The now freshly lighted up room presented me my brothers sitting on my sofa. With crossed arms like mafia bosses.

Great. Just great.

"Why are you sitting in the dark on my sofa?" I wanted to know, with that exhausted tone in my voice that was reserved for my idiot brothers.

Gerard rolled his eyes like that was obvious. "Because we want to get all the details."

"From my date with Frank?" Oh no. I wanted to freak out about that all by myself.

"No from your trip to the doctor," now Mikey rolled his eyes, "of course from your date with Frank, dummy."

I wanted to kill them. Couldn't they just leave me alone? Sighing, I got up from my rather uncomfortable spot on the floor and walked up to them. Two hopeful pairs of eyes met me. They loved gossip. "You know where the door is. Get out."

"Forget it." And suddenly, I was squished between Mikey's bony hip and Gerard's suffocating hug. When did he throw his arm around me?

I tried to wiggle to freedom but they were strong. Assholes. So I resumed to a pout. In the past it had helped in 78% of the time. "Let me go!"

"Nope," Gerard popped the 'p' obscenely long, "first you tell me whether we have to throw Frank out of the band or if you're just too embarrassed to share the dirty details."

And this right here was the exact reason I was freaking out. If this date would have been just as bad as I hoped it would have been, we would forget about it and could stay friends. Band would have been saved and everyone was happy. But nooo, Frank had to be the cutest fucker on this planet. What if we tried to date and it would blow up into our faces and-

"Mikes, get the ice cream, I think we have to kill a bitch," Gerard cut through my thoughts. He sounded determined, a voice he usually only used when something was about to go deadly wrong.

Fucking protective brothers. "No, the date went fine."

"And why are you so weird then?" Mikey wanted to know confused.

He handed me the tub of ice cream he had miraculously gotten a hold of. Seriously, I hadn't even se him move. How?

I sighed deeply. They asked to many questions. "It's complicated."

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