it's okay so stop worrying [Ray]

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This wasn't how I pictured my evening. The plan had been to have a nice night in with Ray and watch some movies and make out. What I got was a hysterical Kristin who had called me claiming that it was a life or death situation. And no sign of Ray as he was at the studio with the guys and they were two and a half hour over the time limit Ray had promised me.

At first, I had thought that this was just her being overdramatic. We both spent too much time around the Ways to not declare minor inconveniences as the end of the world. Sometimes I wondered how they went through with their tours without killing each other and to be honest the sole reason everyone was still alive was my poor boyfriend. Ray insisted that it wasn't worth mentioning but he really was the only one able to keep them grounded at times.

But back to my current situation. Reluctantly, I had abandoned my book that I had been reading as I got the call from my best friend. She did sound choked up on the phone but the miserable picture I got as soon as I walked through the door was heartbreaking.

"Kristin? Tell me what's wrong," I asked softly as I hugged my crying friend.

She immediately clung to me and buried her face in my hoodie. Or Ray's. I felt her sobs more than I heard them and the shiver that took over her body.

Realising that I wouldn't get an answer in the next minutes, I made her jump up and carried her to the sofa. Kristin had always been light and with the force that she was holding onto me it wasn't hard to carry her the short distance despite my non-existend strength.

We settled down with her still on top of me and me stroking her back. Slowly, I was getting my suspicions. The men were at the studio, trying to finish the album and had barely been home. Oh, if Mikey said something to hurt her, I would kill him, being friends with him or not.

"Has it something to do with Mikey?" I asked softly.

My answer was a shrug and more sobs. I gripped the back of her shirt tighter. "If he hurt you, so help me God, that asshole will never see the light of day again."

At least, that made her giggle. Kristin actually raised her head and looked at me with red, swollen eyes and tear streaks on her cheeks. "It kind of had to do with Mikey."

"Okay, what did he do? I will not hesitate to-"

"He didn't do anything in that sense. He's lovely as always," Kristin admitted and for some reason she started to cry again. "I'm scared" she whispered to herself.

"Kris, there is nothing to be scared about. We can figure this out no matter what it is," I told her, confused as hell and stroked a streak of hair out of her face.

Kristin pulled a face but then took a deep breath. Then, she climbed off of me and sat down next to me instead. "Okay. I- damn, that shouldn't be this hard to say- I'm pregnant."

Immediately, I pulled her back in a hug, barely holding in a squeal. "That's awesome! Mikey will be over the moon. Wait, it's his, right? That's not what you're worrying about, right?"

"Of course it's his!" Kristin huffed nasally from crying and slapped the back of my head as I still had trapped her in the hug.

Then, she let herself the excitement I was showing take over her and actually started to smile too. "Oh shit, I'm pregnant. I'm gonna have a baby!"

And then we were standing and doing this little, embarrassing happy-dance. Kristin was full on laughing now, eyes swollen but now shining with joy. I liked this version much better and hated to bring her back to earth. "So what's the problem here? You have a lovely boyfriend, are financially stable and your family is behind you."

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