parents can be embarrassing at times [Mikey]

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Currently, I was watching some Netflix on the sofa and was waiting for Mikey to arrive. We've been dating for a few months now and my parents insisted on finally meeting him. Now I only had to convince Mikey of that.

It wasn't like I thought that he would be against it but we never really talked about it. Well, I had met his family more or less accidentally. They were cool and I knew Gerard just as long as Mikey but what if my family wasn't that great to him like his was to me? Oh great, I was getting nervous now.

Before I could overthink more, the doorbell saved me and gave me a task to pull me out of my thoughts. It was Friday and he planned on staying the night over since we hadn't done that in a while.

"Hey, darling!" Mikey greeted me as I opened the door and pulled me in for a kiss.

Happily, I threw my arms around his neck and kissed him back, while jumping on my tiptoes to reach him properly.

He pulled away and let me guide him inside, a bag dangling from his arm. "So what's the plan for today?" Mikey wanted to know, falling down on the sofa and pulled me with him.

I played with my fingers and looked down at them. "Uhm, my parents invited us for dinner," I stated and looked up unsurely, waiting for his reaction.

He leaned back, his eyes scanning my face nervously. His hand went straight to his hair like it was an unconscious gesture and combed through it. "As in meeting-your-boyfriend-dinner?"

I nodded.

"Yeah, but we don't have to if you don't want to," I assured him and pulled his hand away to put my own there and play with a few strands.

"I guess it would only be fair. I mean, you met my family, now it's my turn, isn't it?" Mikey said, sounding not that sure of himself.

"They will be nice, won't they?" He added, his hands gripping my waist but not staying still for a second.

Strangely enough, his nervousness calmed me down. After all, it told me that Mikey cared for the impression he would make on my parents. So I told him confidently: "Of course, they will don't worry."

"But I can't go there in these things! When should we be there again?" Mikey wanted to know, already jumping to his feet and rummaging in his bag.

I laughed. "Babe, calm down. And they said about six would be fine."

"Okay, is casual fine or should I wear something fancy? I could call Gee and-" he was pacing around by now and I had to get up to stop him.

"Mikey, sit back down and breathe," I instructed him, putting my hands on his shoulders. It was kind of adorable how fidgety he got but  at the same time I felt bad for him.

Mikey did and I told him: "My parents aren't the people to judge you by your clothes, just be yourself and it will be okay. So let's use the time until then to do something different like a boardgame or like that."

I meant the last bit more as a joke but we finally really played a boardgame I found at the bottom of an old box.

At exactly six o'clock, we stood on my parents' porch, Mikey in a flannel with a t-shirt underneath and black jeans and me in my favourite pair of skinny jeans and a light blue sweater.

My mother opened the door, smiling brightly at us. "Y/N, you came! And you must be Mikey. We heard so much about you, darling. Come in you two!"

Mikey gave me a nervous smile before following my mother inside and putting his shoes away.

"Thank you for the invitation, Ma'am," My boyfriend said politely while we were guided to the table where my father was already sitting.

"Oh no problem. We wanted to meet you for a while now. Glad that it worked today for you," My father told him but refused to smile. Asshole. I knew immediately by the look in his eyes that Mikey already had made a good impression but my father wanted to give him a hard time.

And naturally, my angel of a boyfriend only noticed the lack of smile and got over to my father, extending his hand to shake his. "Hello sir, it's nice to meet you. I'm Mikey and your daughter has told me so much about you and your wife."

Sweet Jesus, he was good, too. If it wasn't for me knowing Mikey this well I couldn't have told that he was nervous as hell. But I could and I heard the almost unnoticeable stop in his words as he introduced himself.

My father still refused to smile but winked at me the moment he shook hands with my boyfriend. "That's nice to hear. Are you taking good care of my girl? Are always nice and buy her flowers and be there for her? Are faithful and never plan on breaking her heart?"

"Let the poor boy sit down already. You can interview him when he has something on his plate, honey," My mother intervened, seeing Mikey's eyes going wider and wider in panic with every stern question my father fired at him.

We sat down, Mikey next to me and I next to my mother so my boyfriend was directly facing my father. He had planned this, this sadistic man.

Discreetly, I took Mikey's hand under the table and felt it shake in my grip. My poor boyfriend.

"So?" My father asked as soon as the first potato touched Mikey's plate.

"I promise you that I take the best care I could of Y/N. I love her and I hope that she loves me too because I would do anything she asked me for in a heartbeat, honestly," Mikey said sincere.

If it wasn't for my parents, I would have kissed him until he wouldn't remember his own name by now. That was one of the most beautiful things I ever heard him say beside the first 'I love you' that Mikey had randomly blurted out when we were cuddling in bed. He freaked out so much that he almost fell out of bed until I said it back and caught him.

I stared Dad down. Couldn't he stop this charade and let us enjoy the evening? Finally, he caved and gave Mikey a warm smile.

"I can tell. And I knew the moment you walked in that you do by the way you are looking at each other."

Mikey exhaled and slumbed visibly as if a weight was lifted from his shoulders. "Thank you, sir."

My father laughed and waved it off. "No need to thank me, boy. And now eat, I will be nice, so you two can stop staring daggers at me."

Mom and me laughed too while Mikey seemed slightly embarrassed. "So tell me how you two met, I'm dying of curiosity!" My mother wanted to know enthusiastically.

Mikey grinned at that while I stared at my plate embarrassed. "It's kind of a funny story-" he started.

I hid my face in my hands. "Nooo"

Dad smirked. "Well now you have to tell us."

"Well, apparently Y/N's friends with kind of cruel people. One of her friends, Pete I think was it, right?" Mikey started, looking at me wondering if he said the right name. I nodded behind my hands.

"They were in the café of my parents where I'm waiting sometimes and-"

I didn't like this huge grin on his face so I interrupted him: "Pete made me ask him out if I didn't want him to ask first. Happy?"

"Babe, you forgot the part where you came every week by because you crushed on me," Mikey said dryly.

My parents laughed at that. "Oh, she was always like this, like one time in second grade, she-" Mom started, still giggling so I got up fastly.

"Anyone up for a dessert? Yes? It's in the fridge right? Mikey would you help me shortly?" And then I dragged him with me at his wrist in the kitchen.

He giggled as we were alone. "I like your parents, darling."

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, because you all love to embarrass me."

"So you didn't drag me here for a kiss?" He asked and pouted adorably.

Of course, I couldn't resist and got on my tiptoes for a short but loving kiss.

Then I pulled away and opened the fridge, thrusting two tiny bowls of ice at him. "And now bring them back in there, please."

Mikey laughed but took them anyway. "Bossy, aren't we?"

"Shut up"

The rest of the evening was relaxed, Mikey and my dad got along almost too good and my mom and I chatted most of the time about life. Overall the evening was much better than I expected.

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