I hope we can be friends! 😄

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Boy I hear you in my dreams
I feel your whisper across the sea
I keep you with me in my heart
You make it easier when life gets hard

A song by Jason Mraz and Colbie Caillat

Junkyu went abroad to study and leaving Haruto behind. They lost contact. Actually, Haruto was the one who cut ties. It was a hard decision for him to cut ties. His heart really misses Junkyu but his mind telling him that if he wants to stop suffering, he needs to let go of Junkyu. He is reminiscing his memory with Junkyu at the beach together with the boys. It was one of the best moments he had ever experienced. EVER..!!

Australia was the country that Junkyu went to study, Monash University. It has been his dream since he was in High School. Of course, Haruto knows it, too. How can he not? He has been with Junkyu all his life but Junkyu didn't tell Haruto that he was accepted at the university which makes him felt that he was nobody in Junkyu's life. Haruto and Junkyu have been friends since they were children. Their parents are best friends so even Haruto was in Japan, they always meet every year because Haruto's parents always visited Junkyu's parents until Haruto's parents moved to Korea for their business and decided to live in Junkyu's neighborhood.


"Ouchh... Who's that?" patting his head that was hit by a basketball and pouting his small lips.

"Owh.. Did it hit you?" said a voice from behind. A really cold but concerned voice at the same time.

"Yyeaahh...That's ok" said Junkyu while picking up his book that fell when the ball hits his head. Yes, Junkyu is a diligent college student but still clumsy.

"Can you give me back my ball?" he asked.

"Heyy captain, faster! We ain't got much time, Ben!" Said a basketball player in the field.
Yes, that is the first time Junkyu met Ben. His Korean's name is Ha YoonBin. A tall guy, taller than Junkyu a little bit. He was wearing a black headband with orange and black basketball outfit.
Junkyu was just sitting there and still confuse while Ben gets the ball by himself after he said sorry to Junkyu.

Junkyu was sitting on the bench while reading a book. He wanted to make Haruto's memories to fade away coz after a few days landing in the down under, he can't get his mind off Haruto.

"Why is he not contacting me?" said Junkyu mumbling with a book in his hand which he can't focus reading.

"Arrgghh" shaking his head. "I must get him out of my mind".

"Well, let's just watch basketball then. I hope that I can forget about him" as he walks to the basketball field that is located inside the university.


"Go Ben Go...Arrrggghhh!!" Screamed the girls who are watching the basketball game in the field.

As he was looking at the girls, Junkyu searched to whom the girls were screaming as we know that Junkyu is a very curious boy.

"Three point!!" Said the referee then he blew the whistle then announced that Monash University wins.

Junkyu's eyes opened wide and smiled at the same time and laughed with a high pitch while clapping and made his books fell to the ground. Ben's eyes and Junkyu's eyes met, but after that Ben looked away and suddenly Junkyu is pouting again.

"I thought I would forget about Haru but he just reminded me of him. His cold stare and his presence just look like Haru." Said Junkyu in his mind.

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