💙 Best Part 💙

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I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again

Jason Mraz and Colbie Caillat, Lucky.

They ended up in the amusement park.

Haruto and Junkyu.

Yes, it was Junkyu's pick.

He really loves everything that is in the amusement park.

"Woaahh... Look at him. He is so handsome!"

Junkyu heard people from left and right. People were talking about Haruto.

He suddenly pulled Haruto's scarf up to Haruto's face, well half of his face.

"You'll catch a cold. Put it on nicely." Said Junkyu.

Haruto smirked under his scarf. He knew that Junkyu feel jealous.

It was December, which is wintertime in Australia.

But that doesn't stop them from having fun.

"Haruyaaaa... I wanted to get on to that ride." Junkyu pointed at the pirate ship ride.

They ran to the ticket side. Actually, Junkyu was the one who dragged Haruto by his arm.

"Hyung. You are the one who brought me here to have fun. You know I can't ride that." Complained Haruto.

"Eeeuuunngg... Ooofff..." A happy Junkyu suddenly turns to a sad Junkyu.

Yes. He pouted his lips again.

"Hahaha... Okokok.. You can go ride that and I will take a video and a picture of you. Ok?" said Haruto trying to persuade Junkyu.

Then suddenly Junkyu's mood is up again.

He went to line up with the other visitors. He waved at Haruto.

Junkyu is doing aegyo in the line and people are staring at him weirdly.

At first, Haruto was really embarrassed.

"aahhh... Hyuuung." He sighed.

Then Haruto laughed. He was really happy to be with his hyung again after 6 months didn't contact each other.

 He was really happy to be with his hyung again after 6 months didn't contact each other

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"I wouldn't regret if I die now." Junkyu thought to himself. Seeing Haruto laughing it's just warm his heart.

He rode the Pirate Ships ride.

He rode the Pirate Ships ride

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He had a blast on the ride.


He got off the ride and suddenly, his phone vibrates.

Junkyu got a text message

It was from Ben.

                                                                                                                                              Captain Ben

Junkyu. Thank you for being my friend.

I appreciate that a lot.

I just wish for the best for your future.

I'm going to America.

I'm transferring today.

Sorry for everything.

Haruto approached him.

"What's wrong, hyung?" asked Haruto who can suddenly know something is bothering him.

"Nahh... Let's just have fun today. I'll make today your best day ever." Junkyu smiled as he put his phone back in his pocket.


One week later

It's time for Haruto to get back to South Korea.

They are now in the cab. Junkyu and Haruto.

"You wanna hear something cool?" asked Junkyu as he put one of the air pods on Haruto's ear.

"Owhh... Wowww... Nice..." Haruto said that as he listened to the song.

"What is it called?" he added.

"Best Part by Daniel Ceasar feat HER. I like hearing this song. It's very soothing." Said Junkyu to Haruto.

"Ok, I'll download it later, hyung." Said Haruto.

Actually Junkyu not only wanted Haruto to hear it. He wanted him to listen to it. There is a message behind that song. He wanted him to know that Haruto is one of the BEST PART in his life.

Arrived at the airport.

"Well....Thank you so much, hyung for this whole week." Said Haruto to his Hyung

"Please come back to Korea soon, me and the boys really miss you so much. Let's go to the amusement park again" Haruto added.

"Huahaha... Ok, next semester probably I will be home. Don't miss me too much." Joked Junkyu

"Huahahah.. Trust me, I won't." Haruto joked back.

They hugged.

"Ok, my class will start in an hour. I'm sorry I have to leave you," said Junkyu.

That's ok. See you, hyung!!! Said Haruto.

"See you, Haruyaaaaaa" said Junkyu.

"We'll wait for you ok, hyung? Me and the boys," said Haruto.

Junkyu smiled and nodded.

They waved at each other.

Then they parted.

Hello guys. Have you watched the 3 Minutes from Treasure? 😂😂
It was hilarious. I love Treasure so much.
Anyway, how do you think of this writing?
I tried to make it shorter than the first part.
I will be publishing chap 10 very soon.
Can't wait to see your comments.

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