What Happened That Night 😏

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Though the breezes through the trees 
Move so pretty you're all I see
As the world keeps spinning round
You hold me right here right now

A song by Jason Mraz and Colbie Caillat

6 months ago at the beach.

They were hugging while lying down on the wooden harbor. The site where Haruto got no fish.

When Haruto was mad at Junkyu. When he didn't tell him that he was going to study abroad.

They were hugging to chase the cold away.

They closed their eyes.

Moments later, Junkyu opened his eyes

He couldn't sleep.

Junkyu was just looking at Haruto's face under nature's lights.

The lights of the moon and the stars.

He looked at him with a smile.

Why are you so handsome? Asked Junkyu in his mind.

He really adores Haruto so much.

Then something flashed into his mind.

What were you thinking, Junkyu? He scolded himself.

Yes, he was thinking of kissing Haruto.

But Haruto is asleep.

He can't just kiss him like that when he is sleeping.

Can't he?

He just stared at Haruto's face for a long time.

Haruto moved and Junkyu was startled so he closed his eyes afraid of Haruto will find him staring.




3 kisses.

Yes. 3 kisses he got from Haruto.

1 was on the left cheek.

2 was on his right cheek.

And the last.....

3 His forehead.

His heart just pounding like crazy.

He was the one that wanted to kiss Haruto but Haruto did it first.

"Uriii Hyung is so cute when he is sleeping" he whispered.

These kisses are my present, hyung. Thank you for giving me the bracelet.

Actually, Haruto thought that his hyung was sleeping.

So he decided to kiss him when he is asleep.

He is too shy to give him a kiss when Junkyu is awake.

"Lucky me, he is just asleep." He thought.

" He thought

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Present. At Junkyu's apartment.

This is what he wanted to tell Junkyu. He wanted to tell him that he kissed Junkyu at the harbor.

So Haruto wondered? What is the difference between a girl kissing a girl on the cheek and a boy kisses a boy on the boy's cheek?

He is just too afraid to confess that he kissed him that night.

He is afraid that Junkyu might hate it.

So, Haruto shook his head wanted to clear the thought out of his mind. He decided not to tell him.

They were lying on the bed.

He was just looking at the ceiling while Junkyu's head was on his right arms.

"Haruyaaaa...." Junkyu started the conversation.

"MMM...." Said Haruto in a deep tone voice.

"Where do you wanna go tomorrow?" asked Junkyu.

"I don't know," Haruto replied.

"I just wanted to be with you. Where ever you are taking me I don't care. As long as you are there." He added.

Junkyu smiled as he was already half asleep but he still can hear the last sentence that Haruto said.

The 8th chapter, guys.
Probably I'll finish the story today.
I already wrote the 10th chapter but still stuck on the 9th. 🙈
How do you like this chapter anyways?
Your comment will be my strength in finishing this.

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