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I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again

Lucky, Jason Mraz and Colbie Caillat

Back in South Korea.

"Harutoooo... Harutoooo... Harutooooo" someone screamed outside Haruto's door. Knocking and banging without mercy.

"hhhmmmm.... Why???" Haruto mumbling under his Sinchan's doll. It was 7 o'clock in the morning.

"Harutoooooooookkk....." he screamed his lungs out. Yes, it was Park Jeongwoo. Someone who accompanied him ever since Junkyu went abroad.

"WHATT???" As Haruto opened the door scratching his hair that is already messed up with 2 unbuttoned pajamas which shows his broad chest."

"Bro, what did you do last night? Why are you looking like that?" Asked Jeongwoo with a sarcastic face checking him out from head to the bottom.

"I just wanted to say I am having breakfast here again." Said Jeongwoo making a funny face then put his tongue out then run as fast as his life depended on it.

"Yooo.... You're a dead meat!!!!!" exclaimed Haruto chasing Jeongwoo downstairs where Mrs. Watanabe Jenny and Watanabe Hanbin are already at the dining table.

"Woowww... That was fast." Said Hanbin, Haruto's dad.

"Ok, go wash up Haruto and sit with us then have some breakfast." Added Jenny, Haruto's mom.
It has been 6 months since Junkyu was away from Haruto and also it has been 6 months that Park Jeongwoo eats at Haruto's house. Way to go Jeongwoo...!!


In Haruto's bedroom.

"Haruto, do you know that Junkyu hyung is having his semester break?" asked Jeongwoo on Haruto's bed while opening a book which definitely he will not read. 

"Can we not talk about that?" asked Haruto glaring fire out of his eyes to Jeongwoo across the room where he is sitting on the sofa next to his studying table. Suddenly Jeongwoo look away, he can't stand Haruto's stare. But, something strange crept into Haruto's heart after hearing the name again. Junkyu's name. He has been trying not to remember him but his best friend suddenly just put a hammer to his heart.

"Well, let's go outside then. It's almost Christmas. Let's hunt some clothes" said Jeongwoo.

"Nahh.. I'm tired. You go by yourself" keeping busy with his phone which he just goes back and forth to his gallery where Junkyu's pictures are collected. It's because Jeongwoo mentioned Junkyu, Haruto open the file that he didn't remember he had for a while.

"Ahhh.... Ok.. Ok.. Let's go. I want to refresh my mind. Thanks to someone!" said Haruto sarcastically while taking off his shirt.

"Are you gonna look at me till I open all my clothes?" Haruto asking Jeongwoo who stared at him without blinking.

"Eeewwwwww... Why would I?" suddenly snapped out because of embarrassment.

To be honest, Haruto looked really good. He is tall, black hair, and has this perfect jawline.

"Ok, I'll wait downstairs and wait for you to dress up. Don't take a bath too long, ok! I'll leave you in 30 minutes if you are still up here." Said Jeongwoo threatening Haruto.

"Yeah yeah yeah..." said Haruto closing his door.


They went to the shopping mall. Looked around and played around.
"Why are we here in this cramped space?" complained Haruto to Jeongwoo inside the Photobox.

"Just follow my instruction, ok?" while Jeongwoo puts a bunny hat on top of Haruto's head.

"Brooo, can you smile? Everyone outside will think that you have cancer if you put up with that face." Said Jengwoo sarcastically.

"What are you doing?" said Haruto to Jeongwoo who is taking the picture and uploaded it to his Instagram

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"What are you doing?" said Haruto to Jeongwoo who is taking the picture and uploaded it to his Instagram.

"It's so rare of you to take pictures so I am gonna treasure this forever." Said Jeongwoo giggling in a small tone.

"No, give me that!" taking the phone from Jeongwoo's hand. Haruto wanted to delete the photo but he saw something that turns his world upside down.

Well guys, how far are you liking it?
Btw, this will end as the song ends.

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