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I'm lucky we're in love in every way
Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed
Lucky to be coming home someday

Lucky by Jason Mraz and Colbie Caillat.

Seoul Airport

"Ahjussi... Please take me to ChongNamDong street." Said Haruto as he went into the back seat.

"Ok" said the driver in his mirror and looking at Haruto.

Haruto flustered.

"Yeah, I got the expression a lot. And I'm telling you, I'm not Siwon Choi" Said the driver as he started the car.

On half way to his house, Haruto searched for his handphone in his bag but he found something else. Junkyu put a little box into Haruto's bag.

"Hyung" he smiled.

He opened the box.

It was perfume! The same perfume that he got last time as his birthday present.

"Ahaha... I think he saw that I'm out of perfume." As he sprayed it into his hand.

He then continued to search for his phone inside his bag.

He wanted to tell Junkyu that he is already in Korea.


In Australia, Junkyu's class

"Hyung" a crying voice in the background.

Junkyu got a phone call from Jeongwoo.

Haruto had an accident.

Junkyu grabbed his bag and ran straight to the exit door of his class leaving his books behind.

He is a foreigner so he always bring his passport and everything in his bag.

He bought the fastest ticket back to Seoul.



Junkyu found Mr. and Mrs. Watanabe hugged each other.

"Where's Haruto?" asked Junkyu.

"He is inside. Here." Giving Junkyu the card to access the ICU room.

As he went inside, he looked at Haruto.

Lying on the bed with so many cables on his chest that he can not identify one by one.

He then grabbed Haruto's hand.

"Haru, please wake up. Hyung is here."

"I'm not gonna cry ok?"

"Your hyung is strong."

"Please, wake up."

"Harutooo, please!"

But there is no sign of him waking up.

Junkyu stayed there for hours.

The doctor came in and told Junkyu that he needs to leave. He can visit him tomorrow again.

Junkyu insisted to stay with Haruto. But it's the rule so he went out of the ICU room.

He went home.

The next morning. He took a shower. Junkyu leaves really early.

He is now in front of the ICU again. Mrs. Watanabe was inside the ICU room while Mr. Watanabe was outside. Only one person can get inside at a time.

"oohh...." Mrs. Watanabe burst into tears when she went outside.

Mr. Watanabe directly hugged her.

Junkyu was shocked.

He went directly inside without having the card with him.

Still, he saw Haruto, breathing with the help of the machine.

"Ahhhh..." he said in relief.

He then grabbed Haruto's hand.

"Haruto, hyung haven't cried ok? Because I believe that you will wake up."

"I don't want to precede the will of God."

"So, please wake up for me. Wake up for the boys. No, wake up for your parents. Pleaded Junkyu."

Tears rolled from both of Haruto's eyes.

"Haruyaaaa...." He hasn't finished his sentence.

The machine started to make a sound. The warning sound.

The doctor rushed in.

"Please save him, doctor, please." Junkyu pleaded.

As the doctor was giving Haruto the electric shock.

The machine sound------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Junkyu couldn't believe his eyes.

He couldn't hear anything.

He stepped back.

Mr. and Mrs. Watanabe rushed into the room and hugged Haruto's body.


At the burial site.

"Yes. I'm LUCKY to have you in my life Haruyaaa..." said Junkyu.

"Junkyu, let's go. Everyone is gone." Someone who is standing grabbed Junkyu's shoulder.

"Wait give me a moment with Haruto, please, Hyung." He looked up at Hyunsuk with blurry eyes covered with tears but still, he is holding it.

"Ok, we'll wait for you in the car. Don't go too hard on yourself." Said Hyunsuk concerned.

"Thanks, Hyung." Replied Junkyu

Junkyu now looked at Haruto's tombstone.

He still can't believe that Haruto has gone.

"If only I can turn back time, but that is impossible." He finally cried.

It's the first time he cried after hearing Haruto's accident.

He grabbed the bracelet. Haruto's mom gave Junkyu back. It was on Haruto's hand all the time, till the day he was gone. The blue sky silver bracelet.

"Why? Why Haruu...??? Tell me why?" He cried even more.

It's like he is suffocating. There's a heavyweight in his heart.

"We were just so happy together when we were in the amusement park." Said Junkyu

"You said that you wanted to do it again when I come back to Korea."


His tears just rolled down. He can't finish his sentence.

He screamed.

"Aaaaarrrrggghhh..... Waaeeeeeeee??????"

People were looking at Junkyu from afar.

Joengwoo was going to come to Junkyu but Jihoon stopped him.

"Let him, Jeongwoo." Said Jihoon.

Junkyu calmed down. He wiped his tears.

"Rest in Peace, Haruyaaa." Prayed Junkyu as he put the bracelet, Haruto's bracelet on the tombstone. Then, he also took off his and put it beside Haruto's bracelet.

I LOVE YOU, Haruto.


How is the story?
I cried when I wrote the last chap. 😅🙈
Did you cry, too?

Anyway, which chapter do you like the most and which chapter you least like?
Leave a comment, thankies..!!

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