Renewing "our" vows

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Today is the day rosie and I renew our vows. I thought he eas dead after the car accident.

- Le flashback to about a year ago-

"Rosie please wake up I cant leave you!" I picked up her lifeless body and carried it half a mile almost giving up. I fell to my knees crying. I look down and back, i saw a blood trail. I looked for where the wound was on her, but it wasnt there. 'Huh? What is going on where is her wound' I look down at my waist and notice a blood spot. I slowly lifted up my shirt with a big stick of glass in my side. I felt dizzy. Right before I black out I saw people running towards "us." I woke up in a hospital. I quickly jumped up and yelled for a doctor. A doctor rushed into my room. "My wife is she ok?" "Im sorry sir you didn't come in with anyone" "no no no, she has to be there I held her in my hands" I started to shout alittle "sir, liste-" "NO YOU LISTEN TO ME, I CAME IN WITH A GIRL WITH RE-" I was injected with a needle and blanked out oncemore.

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