chapter 1

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"Go to sleep Ameera tomorrow is your first day." her dad said.

"I'm gonna finish packing first, then I'll sleep baba," Ameera said excitedly.

Tomorrow was the first day of her new school. She didn't know why she was excited. She knew this school was strict and rough with many rules. Maybe she was excited because she wanted to see how many rules she could break. she wasn't a bad student, she just hated that teachers thought they can do whatever they want just because they have authority. She hated that they didn't respect her and that they thought that just because they had age meant more knowledge. She was a smart girl. at the age of 17, she knew and loved her deen. She loves learning about the Prophet ﷺ and his sahabas. Most of all she loved learning about Hadiths. You could call her a nerd but, the teacher always seemed to see past that. they called her disrespectful when she corrected them and said she doesn't know how to treat her elders. She got kicked out of 4 different schools. She knew she had to stop although she felt she couldn't. This was the last school in her town that she could go to. She has a single father, her mother died when she was just 5 years old. No one knew how she died because the doctors couldn't find a reason why. Her father was a nice man. He never yelled at her although she constantly got kicked out of school. he knew her and why she acted this way. she reminded him of her mother. but she had to stop. for her sake and her father's. he loves his job and if she got kicked out they would have to move, to a whole new city. she didn't want to disappoint her father anymore. he didn't deserve it.

And now it was a new day, her first day. she woke up at fajr and stayed up since. the school wanted her to be there by 9 am. she started by showering and picking out her clothes. she wore her favorite green jilbaab and a black skirt. she wanted to keep it simple. she then ate breakfast and called her dad so they could start to leave.

" I'm ready baba" she yelled as she was bringing her suitcases to the door

" do you have everything ?" he was coming down the stairs.

"yeah I have everything" she smiled. for once she woke up before her dad and he was the late one.

"Okay let's put the suitcases in the car," he said
before putting on his jacket.

"no I'll do it it's fine, eat breakfast," she said as she walked out the door.
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They were in front of the building. it was huge, it was. the campus had 5 buildings not to mention the dorms. she underestimated the school thinking it was some old building with one dorm building. but she was excited to start. and that was the scariest part. because one thing Ameera usually hated was school.

" we're here," her dad said. he seemed pretty sad. he hasn't been without her for more than 3 days and he would miss his only child. "be good please" he started "I don't want you to get kicked out. you're a smart girl Ameera, don't let your attitude bring you down." he was telling the truth. she was smart her attitude was the only problem. or at least that's what others usually said.

"I'll be good I promised" she was serious. she didn't want to disappoint her father anymore.

"I'll miss you so much, but it'll be worth it. my daughter is seeking knowledge" he began to hug her. she hugged him back. she wasn't an emotional person but when he started hugging her she started tearing up.

"I'll miss you too," she said as she broke the hug. she didn't want him here too long or she'll start crying.

"okay go inside then Ameera," he said as the head of the school came to talk to her father.

She went inside and stared at everything. the building was beautiful. white walls and brownish floors. she waited for the principal to come so he can tell her where she has to go. he finally came after 10
mins of talking to her father.

"Okay, so this is the main building. where most classes are," he said as he started walking. I just walked behind him as I carried my suitcases.

" here leave your suitcases here." he said as he looked at her. she gave a confused look "don't worry, they'll bring it to your dorm room." she nodded her head and left her suitcase. she brought her purse with her though as she kept her phone and other things in there.

he started again " this is the cafe, you'll come here 3 times a day for breakfast lunch, and dinner." and we kept walking. he shows me through the classes and we went to the second building. it was a gym, there were two sides one for men and women. the third building consisted of the main office for the school and the 4th was the girls and female teachers dorm building. the school was beautiful, seemed like it was recently built. the principal finally said

" and this is your dorm. luckily you don't share with anyone and have this room to yourself" I was happy, I hated sharing my personal space. he started again "classes start at 9:00. but you're expected to be here at 8:50" that's was reasonable. he gave me my schedule and asked, " Is everything all set?"

"Yes, thank you for showing me around," I said politely he nodded and walked away. I unlocked the room with the keycard he gave me. the room was spacious. it had a Full Bed and a bathroom. the room already had a desk and a drawer as well as a closet. this room was big. like a little apartment. I started putting away my clothes and taking out my school supplies and putting them on the desk. I needed to organize my bag. after fixing up everything. I went into the shower and relaxed. my back hurt from reorganizing the whole room. the decorated the walls with some calligraphy art. I drew them myself as I loved to draw. after I got out of my shower I put on a baati. I felt fresh. I went and looked through my schedule and I have 5 classes. Math, Science, biology, history, and as an elective I took an Islamic study course. I put my schedule down and checked my phone. my dad texted me asking if everything was okay I texted him back and said everything was fine and the school wasn't as bad as the thought" I set my alarm and fell asleep.

okay guys this is my first book. I'm trying to give more recognition to Muslim books on this app. my writing isn't that great I KNOWW 😭, but give me and this book a chance, please. if you guys have anything to add please comment and give me ideas on what this book should be about. I'm not very consistent on writing but I'll do my best.


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