Chapter 7

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Cats and dogs began to pour from the skies outside.

Not literal cats and dogs, mind you. It was November in Seattle, after all, okay? Kyra's witchy spells were, I hoped, only limited to ones that were romantic in nature...

I really should have been getting ready to go to class, but the pitter-pattering of the pummeling raindrops against my bedroom window made me want to curl up for the rest of the day without lifting a single finger or expending another brain cell.

Instead, I stayed happily sandwiched between two large, smexy male bodies in bed. A fuzzy fleece blanket was wrapped around us. A mountain of pillows and cushions were propped behind us. We three felt as toasty and cozy as hot apple pie from the oven.

My laptop was propped on my lap. Jaxon and Lord Maxwell kept leaning closer and closer towards the screen as Jang-geum carried Lady Han's lifeless body on her back after her adopted mother finally succumbed to her injuries.

From the corner of my eye, I noticed a single, glistening tear trail down the vampire's pale cheek.

I gasped in delight. "Are you crying, Lord Maxwell?"

With a fist, the vampire wiped away the wetness and sniffled vehemently, "Of course not, Annalise! I am a man, am I not? I merely felt a speck of dust stuck in my eye, is all!"

Jaxon coughed. His voice sounded gruff and deeply affected as he commented, "Wow, Annalise... I-I had no idea that K-dramas could be so... sad. Lady Han deserved better. Jang-geum deserved better. I can't believe they both got exiled to Jeju Island after everything they already suffered. Life isn't fair. It's simply not fair!"

"I know, right?" I sighed wistfully. "Life sucks. That's why I like to write stories. I can give everyone a happy ending."

Lord Maxwell gazed at me intently. "These words of yours are surprisingly full of depth and substance, Annalise."

I arched an eyebrow at him. "What is that supposed to mean? And why does it sound like a backhanded compliment?"

Lord Maxwell sniffed elegantly. "Well, perhaps, it is something of a backhanded compliment. To be frank, I have always found your use of prose to be rather excessive and, dare I say it, far too grandiose and flowery for the average reader!"

Jaxon frowned. "Now that you mention it, Maxie—you're right! I also have a problem with the crap Annalise makes me say to Cate, like, it's so fucking cringy sometimes..."

I gasped again. This time, though, my sharp intake of breath was filled with outrage. Not delight.

"Are you two criticizing my writing? I am an amazing writer! Just ask my 379 followers! They're absolutely obsessed with my stories!"

Angrily, I snapped my laptop shut. The boys immediately began to protest.

"What the hell, Annalise! I was still watching that shit!"

"Indeed! I was gravely invested in Jang-geum's story! Now, I simply cannot feel at ease until I know what happens next!"

"Well, boo fucking hoo!" I snorted. "I gotta go to class. Peace out, you two. Try not to cause any trouble while I'm gone..."

I started shoving my laptop and all my books and binders into my backpack.

Jaxon pouted. "Don't go, Annalise..."

Lord Maxwell wheedled, "Please do not abandon us, fair author..."

"I am sorry I called your writing cringy."

"And I apologize for likening your words to grandiose and flowery prose."

I rolled my eyes, ignored them, and continued to pack up my stuff into my backpack.

As I got ready to step out the door, Jaxon's stomach grumbled. Loudly.

"I'm hungry, Annalise..." he whined softly.

"I think there are some hot pockets in the freezer. You can help yourself," I muttered. "You know how to use a microwave, right?"

Jaxon nodded like an obedient child. "I do."

"What about me, Annalise?" Lord Maxwell inquired. "As you well know, I require sustenance of a different sort..."

I paused and spun around. I caught Lord Maxwell eyeing my neck with an uncomfortable amount of interest.

The vampire smiled wickedly. "I, too, am feeling a tad parched, Annalise. What do you suppose we ought to do about that?"

Fangs gleaming, he advanced towards me like a stealthy, feline predator.

My eyes grew wide with alarm as my hands rose instinctively to shield and protect my jugular veins from the thirsty-looking vamp.

"Aw, hell, no!"

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