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Shining brighter than the stars
A thread divides us apart.
The beam in your eyes make me wonder
What you think of me in every corner.
I see the pedals I coughed out for you,
I’m willing to let the roots grow in me.

Your soul so passionate and pure
I’ve traveled through rivers and mountains that you adore.
These feelings still grow in my lungs
It hurts as much as my longing.

Please don’t look at me that way
Or I might just turn away!
Now I no longer have pedals, but red is flowing out my body.
My independence is greater than the lottery.
But nothing is stronger, when the things I do
Is not enough to reach you.

I’ve let out my last breath
Not knowing that I’ve caused my own death.
Standing along with a white thread
I’ll soon be able to see you again.

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