How do you feel??

17 3 1

I've let out many drops
Just to grow my children to healthy crops.
Many praises the only customer gives me
And yet I believed that we both could be.

Until those unexpected things
Came over to me with warnings.
Even though others believed
I hesitate and say that we are nothing.

Even thought your friend said the possible truth
I just saw many lies from those eyes youth.
You just worry,
Worry while I'm here crying with these eyes that are now blurry.

I don't even know if we were even meant to be
But in my heart and soul, I long for that "we"

I plan to say
But this is now my faith...

I am touched knowing that you care
But these memories will soon flare...

I too feel the same

If you tell me the real truth with no shame.


I'll let you go.

Because I don't care how I fall down low.

You can ignore me, stab me, and betray me

Because after this I will be the only one saying....


To the first and final love forever."

Poems to forget the first... And the lastWhere stories live. Discover now