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Levi observed his surroundings at the almost empty bar once it's owner disappeared behind the counter. The only people that could be found besides himself were two men, both in the corner of the old store. One looked to be around his age; late 20's or early 30s, and the other significantly older. The two spoke quietly under a shattered lightbulb, whispering something illegible due to distance. Levi could not make out either man's identity, since the pair's backs were facing him. 

He noticed that one's jacket was embroidered with the Wings of Freedom, and the other Blossomed Red Roses correspondingly. Levi decided to sneak up on the militaria, curious on what they were doing at such an hour in a place like this. 

Levi got up from his stool and walked over to the pair. Once he had taken two steps in the direction of the two, he realized who they were. 

"Good old eyebrows and his bitch."  Levi thought to himself, all the whilst remaining as quiet as a mouse. 

"How's your little guard dog treating you?"

"He has a name, Dot." Erwin corrected, narrowing his gaze. "He's not just some 'guard dog'." 

"Fine, fine. How's Ackerman doing?" Pixis corrected, giving into his friend's wishes. 

"Good as always." Erwin smiled. "He knows how to take care of himself." 

"Do I now?" Levi responded relatively loud. 

Both commanders jumped slightly in their chairs. They rotated to face the captain slowly. Erwin's eyes widened under closer inspection of Levi's features.  

"Levi, whatever happened to you?" Erwin questioned frantically. "What are you doing up? You should still be in bed..." 

"I woke up and saw you were gone." Levi sighed, taking a seat alongside Erwin. "I wasn't expecting you to be gossiping with Pixis."

"Levi, where did you get these bruises and cuts from?" Erwin urged, ignoring Levi's attempt at changing the subject. 

As he spoke, Erwin soaked a spare napkin in whisky, promptly dabbing it upon Levi's wounds; utilizing the alcohol as a makeshift antiseptic. Levi did not resist. 

"Someone was mad, I got in a fight, I won." Levi summarized, clearly unamused. "It's not that big of a dea--"

"Actually, striking an officer of your status, is." Erwin sighed, beginning to lift himself. "Who was it?"

"Leve them alone, Erwin." Levi commanded, pulling him to back to his seat. "I knocked them out and left them with more than a beating, so get back on your ass."

"Not to intrude, but Erwin's right." Pixis informed. "Who was it, Ackerman?"

"Why do you care so much?" Levi groaned. "If I considered them a threat, you know I wouldn't have hesitated to slit their throat right then and there."

"Levi..." Erwin mumbled, narrowing his eyes at Levi. "You're carrying a knife on you... are you not?" 

"Fucking hell." Levi groaned, having had let such an import secret slide. 

Around two months ago, Levi and Erwin had come to an agreement. Up until the commander deemed fit, the weapons that Levi were to keep would be just his 3DMG, and only when granted direct permission. All other tools of destruction were to be abandoned, especially knives. 

"Yeah, I do. There's an issue?" Levi questioned slowly, his gaze momentarily turning to Commander Pixis, and then back at Erwin implicitly. 

Erwin suddenly grabbed Levi's hand forcefully, smiling warmly at Pixis who had not noticed. 

Walls Surrounding his Heart {|Eruri|}Where stories live. Discover now