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Levi was seated upon an oak desk, incorrectly of course. Erwin was leaning upon a wooden chair, of which was neatly tucked into the same set of furnishing. Levi's shoes and jacket were carelessly thrown upon the floor, them being removed as to not dirty the table. 

Erwin had just concluded his daily session of teaching Levi German, and were making small talk for the time being.

"So, as long as the freak doesn't say jack shit about me, we can forget about that whole incident?" Levi summarized, having discussed the events of the Tuesday prior. 

"Yes, that is my conclusion." Erwin nodded. 

"Tsk. I guess everyone is blinded by my beauty." Levi announced in a sarcastic manner, picking up an ironed newspaper. "... Even 15 year old boys under my command." 

Erwin chuckled softly to himself, silently glad that the occurrence between Eren and Levi had passed. 

"The expedition is upcoming shortly, and so we should revise the plan once more with everyone." Erwin smiled, looking down into Levi's eyes purely. "We don't have any time to waste."

"Why don't we just do it before we go?" Levi questioned, lifting a cup of tea by it's rim. 

"Incase there are any objections or changes." Erwin explained. "You never know what might come up." 

"Really?" Levi hummed in reply. 

"Let's go arrange that meeting, shall we?" Erwin suggested, slowly standing. 

"No." Levi exhaled, pausing to sip his black tea. "I'm tired and I have no need to be there." 

"Levi, you must attend." Erwin responded, walking up to where Levi laid. "It is mandatory." 

"That's bothersome." Levi complained, lifting himself and walking over to the door. "Make it quick." 

"I'll try my best." Erwin spoke lightheartedly, advancing past the doorframe alongside Levi. 

As the pair trotted down the long hallways of HQ, they happened to pass by Moblit Berner; Hanji's personal assistant. 

Moblit was a veteran officer, as was everyone in Squad Hanji. His amazing art skills, along with his superior scientific knowledge, have proved useful on multiple occasions throughout the years. The man was very fond of Hanji, always being there to protect and advise her to the best of his ability.  

"O-oh. Good afternoon, commander. Captain." Moblit waved, smiling warmly. 

"To you as well, Berner." Erwin nodded, reciprocating the greeting. 

"Oi. Do something for me." Levi called, extending a hand to stop Moblit from passing by. 

"What is it, captain?" Moblit inquired, turning to face his superior. 

"Meting in the mess hall in 5. Spread the word." Levi instructed, allowing Molbit to go free. 

"Yes, sir." Molbit saluted, running off to do just that. 

At the time that Erwin and Levi arrived at the mess hall, it was empty. Silence echoed through the cafeteria as the pair awaited the soldiers. One by one, the room found itself full of Survey Corps members. Erwin called the meeting to order shortly, Levi alongside him.

"As we all know, Eren Yeager's capabilities are largely unknown to humanity, and so we will venture outside the walls soon to study them." Erwin explained to the regiment, eyeing each person individually. 

"I have called you all to review the plan one last time. I will also be observing any problems or questions."  

"The plan goes as such." Erwin informed, eyeing a small map for reference. 

Walls Surrounding his Heart {|Eruri|}Where stories live. Discover now