This is Earth

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{Lily pov}

I hear a beautiful melody being sung by someone so I decide to listen to the song.

🎶 win dain a lotica En vantu ri 🎶

🎶 Si lo ta fin dien a loluca En drogu a 🎶

🎶 Si lain vi-fa less shutai En riga-lint win chent a lotica En val turi 🎶

Still listening to the song I open my eyes and see Avabel wake she was the sing the enchanting song I Stand up off the cave floor and walk over to her looking out side the cave and in to the woods, I know Avabel was thinking about her mother and be coming that next goddess of the moon it pays a lot in your mind.

" Avabel you look a little pale are you ok" I ask her but she does not respond to I shrugged mr shoulders and join her in the song of sora.

🎶 Silota fin dein a lotuca Si katigura neuver floreria for chesti si entina 🎶

🎶 la la la la la la la la la 🎶

🎶 funtina blu cent De cravi letisimo 🎶

🎶 la la la la la la la la la la la 🎶

🎶 De quantin la finde reve win dain a lotica 🎶

🎶 win dain a lotica En vantu ri 🎶

🎶 Si lo ta fin dien a loluca En drogu a 🎶

🎶 En valtu ri Si lo ta fin dein a loluca En drago a Si lain vifa ru les shuta am En riga-lint 🎶

The song came to an end ever thing was so quiet you can hear elegant wind blow pass all animals did not move or chirp a sound.
They know this was the blessed song that was song by the first goddess of the moon the name of enchanting song is called Sora.

Centeries ago the Greeks would bow down to the moon because the king & queen where unlucky to have children so one night the one shined down onto their chamber of the king and queen and you know what happens. Queen was feeling sickly, healer came to checked the on the Queen and told the King that Queen was with offspring. 7 Months later a princess was born she hand pale skin, sliver hair, creamy blue eyes but unfortunately beloved queen died giving birth to the princess. Then one day the princess became the Moon Goddess with a crown on upon her for head and person is Avabels great great grandmother.

" Avabel come on " I say running to the river.

" Lily so this is earth"she says looking around.

" yes spectacular right"

" uhhhhhh"

That right its her first time being on earth and away from the havens " I guess for you it is but you havn't seen all od it" Avabel runs in to the river with me splashing around next thing you we'er both soaking wet head to toes.

" HAHAHAHAH look at you " she luaghes at me

" oh you think this fuunny come..... but be for a can finsh my sentnce I'm hite head on flying across the river slaming in to a rock feeling pain shout up my back looking up to see who did this to me was a demon standinf 3 feet away from me and screamed at her.


{ Avabel pov}

I hear Lily scream from behind me, turing around fast I see 4 demons. This creatures are come from the underworld they love to make trouble for the gods no mater what and the way they look thousands of stars fall.

There black,skinny,red eyes, long looking tiger nails, shark teeth and most of all their 6'12 high but back to main point.

" Lily stay wear you are" I mind-linked her.

" I know that but some thing not right here"

" What do you mean"?

" I can't tell what level are they" she says afraid.

" Not good-not good at all!!" Say with worrie if Lily can't tell demons level then what are we going up against" I know " she replied

I try again to get over to Lily but before I coiuld step out the water a demon charges at me didn't have time to react; throwen a couple meters back slamed into a tree.

" Avabel are you okay " Lily yells with that I transformed in to my goddess form a sliver and gold light surround me.

Trasformation was done I was full in worrior goddess form my hair longer with more sliver and gold, eyes brighter, skin glowed brighter too, palegreen armor that covers my [chest, hands, legs, half my arms] , couth that surrounds me and crown of the moon upon my forehead. Standing tall the same demon comes at me agian but the time I'm persred, jumped in thin air holding my hand out call my wepon.

" Kala Aleris bow I summen you " spark of light comes out and floating theis kala my bow and arrow. Landing on growend lefting kala up and ready shut at the demon; takind a deep breath & let the arrow fly hitting the demon straight in the eys be foe letting a other one go Lily comes slicing its throat faster then humming bird. Lily was in worrior priestess form hair longer too, eyes bright but not as bright like mine, skin glowed a little, lightcoral armor covering { chest, hands legs,half of her arems too} wepon which is a staff and the name of it Lilth Agola .

" Goddess Avavbel are you okay" asked say stiffly she has to call me that when we are fighting shows respect.

" I'm fine what about you did the do damage"

" No major damage but come one theis cockroaches" shake in agreement. We killed the other 2 but had one more left. I lift kala up ponting and the demons face let it go missed before shuting a other one a darke orb comes out of no wear and stading there is a man dreesed in all black but I could not see his face because it was covered be a cloak that really covered all his body. He hoildes his hands out and fire appers in the plams of his rigth & left hands & thoroughes it at us before me and lily could block it we fall into total darkeness.

Waking up with a pounding hradache taking in my surroundings in a quick minute a remeber what happened MAN STADDING TO HOROUGHES FIRE LILI AND I FALL IN TO DARKENESSwith that I look around the woods for Lily and laying 5 inches away from me was her I get up and run over to her to make she she was all right.

" L.....LLily wake up aare you okay d....d-ddo you need help, are ypu heart in wear" I cry over to her .

" mmmmm A..Avabel what happend and I'm fine no major damage so stop freaking out okay jezz " she rolles her eyes bur I know she was sceard out of her mind too and we need to find out what was going on and who that mysterious man was.

" We can't stay in the wood no longer "

" I agree with you to dangerous here " she ssys shaking her head.

LIly calles the Phonex and we hop on to him and takes off in to the air to see wear we are.

{short Sebastian pov}

Looking out a window in Mr. Zillens calssroom I see something large fly in to the sky.

" what the hell was that" I whisper to my self.

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