Chapter Three

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Josie drove down the road, watching the houses start to get smaller, and smaller as she drove onto the Pogue side of the island in hopes of finding Kiara. She had driven to her dad's restaurant, and he told her that she was at John B's house. 

She followed Mr. Carerra's directions to John B's, and saw her car parked outside his rugged house. Josie pulled into the driveway and parked her car, making her way to the front door. 

Josie knocked loudly, and stood awaiting an answer. JJ, who she'd met yesterday had pulled open the door, and slammed it back in her face. Josie rolled her eyes at his immaturity.

"No fucking way, it's the Kook!" JJ yelled, loud enough for Josie to hear it all the way outside. "What do you want?" JJ asked, pulling the door open again, and stepped closer to Josie trying to intimidate her. Josie stood her ground, and ignored his looks.

"Is Kiara here?" Josie asked, looking past JJ and into the house. The tables were filled with empty beer cans, and seemed like there hadn't been any adult supervision in a long time.

"Josie!" Kiara squealed, pushing JJ out of the way, and skipping through the door frame. Kiara embraced Josie in a tight hug, and she gasped at how hard she hugged her.

"Kie, I can't breathe." Josie laughed, tapping Kie on her back.

"Ugh, barf." JJ groaned, storming off.

"Attitude." Josie mumbled, annoyed by his outburst.

"Ignore him, he takes some time to open up." Kiara said.

"Come in." Kie spoke, pushing Josie through the front door. Josie took in her surroundings, and cringed. A thin pull out bed was accompanied by Pope, John B sat at the broken kitchen table shuffling through some papers, and JJ stood leaning against the wall giving Josie a glare.

She chuckled at JJ, knowing that he was just an insecure guy who seemed threatened by her company. 

"You guys remember Josie, right?" Kie asked, everyone turned their heads, and continued to stare. Any normal person would be insecure at this moment, but Josie was very confident, so she waved. Pope waved back at her with a smile, while John B just gave her a quick 'hey' without looking up.

"Anyone want to tell me what this Kook is doing in here?" JJ asked, plopping down next to Pope on the pull out bed.

"This 'kook' is my friend, so be nice to her." Kiara said sternly.

"Eh we'll see." JJ said, continuing to stare at Josie, she looked at him in his eyes, and the two of them held eye contact, giving each other a glare before a car door slamming interrupted. John B stood up and discreetly peeked out of his window, before he turned and faced us with a panicked expression.

"Someone's here." John B spoke, looking back out of the window. John B, JJ, and Pope all jumped up, and ducked into a nearby room. Josie stood there confused, but Kiara grabbed her arm, and drug her into the room, and closed the door, locking it.

"Guys, is that them?" Kiara asked, panic setting in.

"Fuck, fuck!" JJ yelled, running a hand through his hair.

"Who?" Josie asked, watching everyone nearly break down in front of her.

"John B I told you-"

"Hey stop, look at me!" John B said, grabbing JJ by the shirt and pushing him up against the wall. "Where's the gun?" John B asked.

"Gun? Uh, it's..." JJ said, trailing off thinking about where he had left it.

"Now you don't have the gun, the one time we need the gun?" Kira asked, tears starting to well up in her eyes. 

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