Chapter Fifteen

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"Josie, you stay here on Figure Eight and look for him, I'm gonna go back to The Cut and see if maybe he went home? I don't know." JJ sighed, letting his head fall into his hands. 

"JJ, it'll be okay." Josie comforted, even thought she didn't believe her own lie. JJ nodded, and hugged Josie tightly before he let go. 

"Be careful." JJ said. Josie nodded with a smile, before JJ turned and walked away. Josie found herself walking towards the beach, and she had overheard two girls talking. 

"Last I saw, John B was sneaking around Ryan's house. I called the police and they said they'd make their way over there." She said. Josie's heart fell, and she didn't hesitate to start running towards Ryan's house. 

"Ryan!" Josie yelled, banging on the front door with her fist. "Ryan open the door!" Josie yelled again. She took a deep breath as she waited a could seconds for Ryan to open the door. She held up her fist, and just as she was about to bang it on the door, Ryan pulled open the door.

"What are you doing here?" Ryan asked. Josie pushed her way inside, and saw Topper standing in front of a door with his arms crossed.

"Josie? What are you doing here?" Topper asked, leaning against the door to muffle John B's cries for her. 

"I could ask you the same thing." Josie said, giving Topper a sideways look. She could sense the tension in the room, but why? She was unsure.

"Ryan and I are friends..." Topper said, pointing out the obvious. 

"Right. Ryan and I are friends too right?" Josie asked, and Ryan shook his head. 

"You hate me." Ryan said, and Josie nodded. 

"Yeah I kinda do hate you." Josie said, and Ryan shook his head. 

"Do you want to leave?" Ryan asked, and Josie shook her head. 

"Mind if I use your bathroom?" Josie asked, and Ryan nodded. Josie walked over to the door Topper was standing in front of, and reached for the door handle. Topper smacked her hand away, and Josie looked at him. 

"What the hell?" Josie questioned, throwing a harsh punch to Topper's shoulder. 

"Sorry, that's not the bathroom." Topper said, rubbing the back of his head nervously. 

"Why are you being so weird?" Josie asked, reaching again for the door handle. Ryan gave Topper a look, but before Topper could do anything, Josie pulled open the door. John B looked at Josie with a panicked look that softened at her presence. 

"Oh thank God." John B sighed, pushing passed Josie and running towards the front door. 

"Run!" Josie said, holding back her brother as best she could. 

"Josie what are you doing? He's a murderer!" Topper said, pushing Josie out of the way. 

"No he's not! It was Rafe, he confessed to me!" Josie spoke. Topper looked down at her little sister, and could tell by her demeanor that she wasn't lying, but he couldn't believe what she had said. 

"No, you're lying to protect him." Topper said, pointing to John B. 

"I'm not! He just told me, I have a witness." Josie pointed out. 

"Who?" Topper asked. She hadn't realized when she said that, that she was exposing herself and JJ. 

"I, um-"

"Yeah that's what I thought." Topper said, pushing passed Josie. 

"John B run!" Josie said. John B pushed his way out of the front door, and Josie pushed Topper back. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2021 ⏰

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