Kill the Carrier

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"Data, cut the lights."

"Affirmative, Pilot."

The hallway of the IMS Draconis went black as Razor went into action. A distracted rifleman absentmindedly patrolling the corridor was the first to fall. Razor quickly dispatched him with a precise cut to his carotid artery and dragged his body into a back room. Razor quietly checked his HUD to get his bearings. The control room was 2 levels up from his location. Razor pulled back the slide on his RE-45 autopistol and started towards the control room. He reached the end of the corridor but before he rounded the corner two red dots appeared on his minimap approaching him from around the corner.

"Data, how close."

"4 seconds away. 3, 2, 1..."

As soon as Razor saw the tips of their combat boots, He dashed out from the corner where he was hiding and shot the closest enemy in his rifle arm. Before his partner could react Razor planted a foot firmly in his chest and sent him sprawling backward. The buzz of the autopistol echoed twice, followed by silence. The pilot wasted no time as seconds later the corridor was bathed in the red light of the alarms and sirens began to blare.

"Data, They know we're here. Make your way to the hangar."

"Copy that Pilot. You have approximately 2 minutes."

"Copy that."

Razor stopped at the lifts and just as he suspected, they were locked.

"Data, I need a detour."

"There is a vent above your head, enter it to get access to the elevator shaft."

Razor looked up, and just as Data said, it was there. He jumped and, using his booster kit for extra force, busted through the thin metal mesh and into the vent. Once inside, he could see the inside of the elevator shaft.


He was about to boost jump to the other side of the shaft when he heard the sound of an elevator below him. Razor waited until the perfect moment and jumped, landing right on top of it. as soon as he landed, he heard confused voices from inside. Razor simply pulled the pin on a frag grenade and dropped it through the roof vent. There were suddenly yells and frantic movements, followed by a loud bang. Just as the elevator reached its destination, Razor jumped down into the elevator car which had become a bloody mess, and simply walked through the elevator doors, right into the control room. Before 20 bridge crew could even register the intruder Razor opened fire with his auto pistol. He was precise and quick with each kill, utilizing his superior agility to keep him out of his enemies' line of fire. In 5 seconds, he had cleared the room. As he walked up to the command console he felt a hand grip his leg. He looked down and saw the struggling commander reaching for his sidearm as he bled profusely. Razor quickly put him out of his misery and returned to the task at hand. The first thing he did after gaining access was to lock the doors to the control room, preventing any further interference. He drew his data knife and inserted it into the console.

Why do we even have these things... Like seriously, who thought it would be a good idea to make a port shaped like a knife blade?

Razor moved quickly to deactivate the ship's complement of heavy cannons and then began the task of moving the arc to the hangar.

"Alright Data, You're up. Arc is moving the hangar."

There was a pause before Razor heard Data's response

"Warning. Hostile titan inbound."

"Say that again Data? Did you say, Titan?"

Razor waited a couple of seconds before receiving a reply.

"Pilot, I am engaging an enemy titan. I require your assi-- anc--"

Suddenly the transmission went dead.

Quickly, Razor checked the cameras in the hanger and gritted his teeth.

It was Viper.

Razor could only watch as his titan fought against the formidable pilot in the crowded space of the hanger. This battle was not in Data's favor, but Razor knew he could trust his titan's AI to get the job done, so he continued searching for the arc's location on the supercarrier. After a few more seconds of hard searching, Razor found the Arc's containment chamber.

"Data. I have the location of the arc. What's your status?"

Suddenly, an explosion rocked this ship. Razor looked over the starboard side just in time to see and smoking viper rising, followed by Data, who was holding onto the other titan as the two slammed into the deck of the supercarrier. Data took a swipe with his arc blade but Viper knocked it out of his hand and sent it flying through the command center's glass. Razor had to duck to avoid being decapitated.

"Pilot. Assistance required." Data indicated.

Razor could see that Viper's titan was badly damaged, but he had Data pinned in an awkward situation that would not allow him to phase. Razor had kitted himself for stealth this mission. He didn't have any anti titan weaponry. Even so there was still something he could do. As the two titans grappled on the ground, Razor boosted onto the chassis of the Northstar and grabbed hold of one of its batteries.


As Razor ripped the battery from its compartment, the titan short-circuited and electrocuted its own pilot.

"Target eliminated. Well done."

Data pushed the titan wreckage off of it and stood, and then kneeled before it's pilot.

"You broken?" Data asked as he shoved the stolen battery into Data's auxillary compartment.

"I am now running at 150% capacity, Pilot."

"Great. Then let's get this done."

his titan retrieved its weapon from where it had embedded itself in the control room wall and as Razor stood up to get moving he suddenly felt an uncomfortable tightness that he knew all too well.

They had begun to fall.

"Data. Time to go."

Razor and Data raced against the clock the arc containment block, ignoring the panicked IMC troops scattering for escape pods and killing the few who were still willing to fight back.

As they reached the massive double doors of the containment facility, Data cut down the door with a few well-placed blade strokes. The ruined doors fell revealing the almost blinding brightness of the massive ball of energy in the center of the room.

"So that's the arc... It's a lot smaller than I thought it'd be."

Razor moved towards the console and using his dataknife, he forced the system to place the arc in transport mode. hexagonal metal panels descended from the ceiling and began to surround and encase the arc before sealing with a hiss.

"I will carry the arc. I highly suggest you embark, Pilot."

Razor nodded as Data's hatch opened, allowing him to jump into his cockpit.

The hatch closed and Razor felt the titan connection strengthen in his brain, his eyes adjusted to the projected screens in front of him that allowed him to view his surroundings.

His hands gripped the familiar controls as Data transferred control over to him. He drew the large hot blade from his back and felt a rush of adrenaline as electricity danced on the surface of the experimental weapon, heating its surface until it began to glow a menacing orange.

"The sword is yours, Pilot."

Razor chuckled as his confidence grew.

"Alright, let's finish this up."

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Ok, so this is going to be my second Titanfall fanfic and this time it's a cross with another one of my favorite anime, Akame ga Kill. Shoutout to forceofadyingstar for this idea and I gotta give them credit for contributing some great ideas that are helping me build this story. I hope you can enjoy this story as I write it as much as you enjoy the DITF fanfiction and Have a nice day!

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