⚠ "something illegal"

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Before you read this chapter includes some writing that is not suitable for young ages, if you're uncomfortable with the following please do not read. You've been warned.
°mentions of drugs and alcohol
°mentions of suicidal thoughts
°details in the previous mentions

Again. You have been warned.

If you're still here. Please enjoy this chapter.

After your kiss with Katsuki everything just seemed to be perfect. You guys were getting along well the rest of that day and the morning after. though it was still bakugou. You both of course didn't forget about this kiss, you just didn't bring it up or take it any farther then an Innocent kiss, but who knows about later. You went to school that day, hating it and all, the bullies were no help, they always picked on you for being a so called "nerd" And constantly wanted answers and work from you, treating you like a toy. You've tried standing up to them bug nothing seemed to work.

Today was pretty bad, Thomas slammed you into a locker for not being there yesterday and not doing his home work. Your back was aching so it took you forever to get to the bus to go home, then you missed it. Then you saw Katsuki's car and remembered he was picking you up, thank god. But you tried not act like you were in pain, didn't want to make anything worse. You walked over to his car and got in.

"Took you long enough, what the fuck were you doing?"
He asked.

"Just got caught up in class.. That's all.."
You said.

He said, sort of unsure but he started driving to your house.

You eventually arrived and you both got out. You walked up to the house and inside. Your bother saw the both of you and smiled

"Hey!" He said, cheerfully.

You both seemed confused and waved.

"Something wrong?" He asked. "Also Y/N where have you been??? I've been worried." He added.

"She was with me.. After your argument.."
Katsuki said.

"Oh.. About that.. Y/N can I talk to you in private?"
He asked.

"Yeah sure.."
You said.

You both walked to your room and he shut the door.

Bakugou sat on the couch and started a game, figuring him and Kirishima would catch up some and play a game.

For about 15 minutes all you and Kiri did was argue, he was cursing, and calling you things he would never call you. It all seemed so weird like he was possessed. You were crying but from the noise of the game bakugou couldn't hear a thing.

You started to yell back at him and when you did he slapped you hard across your face making you fall to your knees, crying.

He huffed and left the room, then walked over to bakugou.

"She's working on her home work, she'll be there for awhile."
He said, picking up a controller.

You had had enough and crawled over to your drawer, grabbing a bunch a shit out, weed, heroin, blades, vodka, and god knows what else. You had planned on quiting these things but you didn't care right now.

You started cutting your legs, arms, anywhere you could find a decent spot. Blood dripped every where, onto the floor, your clothes, even a little in your hair. You cried, not even feeling any pain except for the pounding headache.

You took a big sip out of the skull shaped bottle of vodka. Then set everything down. You prepared the heroin while smoking a little weed. Once you got it you quickly injected the substance into yourself without any hesitation. You instantly felt amazing, like everything was just taken from you. You sighed in relief. You weren't planning on overdosing tonight at least, though you wanted to. So you didn't do much. You went to put away all your stuff when you heard bakugou slowly open your door.

You scrambled to at least put away the illegal drugs and got it. He saw you, in shock of the amount of blood and tears going down your face.

Kiri had gone out for something so that's when Katsuki figured he would check on you.

He yelled, trying to control his temper.

"I..I tried.. I couldn't.. I.."
You stuttered.

He sighed and went to the bathroom, grabbing towels, and a first aid kit. He went to you, setting the stuff down. He picked you up and laid you on your bed. He tended to your wounds. Then noticed your eyes.

"We're you smoking weed.."
He said, also noticing the smell.

You stayed silent.

"I'll take that as a yes.. I guess that's not to horrible. Fuck I even smoke sometimes.."
He said, finishing bandaging you up.

You mumbled.

"Get some sleep stupid. We can talk in the morning.."
He said.

You said.

He asked.

"Please.. Just stay with me.. Cuddle me I don't care.. I just want you here.."
He said.

"You're brother is gonna kill me.."
He said.

"No.. He won't be back.. He usually goes out some where this time at night, doesn't come back until after school."
You said.

He said.

He shut the door then got into bed with you. You cuddled up to him and quickly fell asleep.

"Don't get used to this.."
He mumbled.

You hummed and smiled.

Katsuki POV
I watched her sleep, so peaceful.. I then heard a creek from a cabinet and saw something roll out. I gently got out of bed and picked it up, only to notice it was a syringe of heroin.

"No no no.."
I mumbled, seeing it was mostly used.

"Sh-she.. She didn't.. No.. Fuck no-" I mumbled, looking at her.

I walked over to her, checking her arms then saw the small hole from the needle.

I yelled, now pissed.

You slowly woke up from the yell..

You said.

Ahhhhhh my first over 1,000 words!!!!!! Im unbelievably happy even though this was in no way and good chapter- anyways, 1,020 words!!!! 💖

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