"I'll Be Fine"

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You both went home that night, smiling and happy for once in the past couple days.

When you got back to the base, you fooled around a bit in your room but not to much, you just weren't ready after the loss of the baby.

"Tonight was amazing Katsuki.."
You said.

"Yeah it was."
He said.

"Are you staying here again tonight?"
You asked him.

"Yeah.. But tomorrow my parents are coming home from their trip. I'm sure they want to see you, especially since I can call you my girlfriend."
He said.

You nodded.
"I'd love to go see them!"
You said.

Katsuki nodded as well.
"All right then. We will."
He said.

You got up and got got some clothes together.

You asked him.

He smirked at you and you blushed.

"Not like that!!"
You yelled.

Then next day you were panicking getting ready.
"What do I wear?!?"
You yelled.

"Calm down, wear whatever you want."
Katsuki said.

You huffed and picked out a simple outfit, yet cute.

You both arrived at his parents house and walked in.

The afternoon with them was amazing, and though some fighting went on, it was funny.

You all sat down on the couch, just talking of things.

"So, where are you guys at in your relationship?"
Mitsuki asked.

You guys hadn't really talked about it, never really thought to.

"We're pretty serious I suppose. We've only been dating for almost 3 months though."
Katsuki said.

You were a bit surprised, you never expected Katsuki to be serious in a relationship, you figured he would make some smart ass comment but he didn't.

"That's wonderful! Ever thinking of proposing Suki?"
His mom said.

"I- a few times yes.."
He said starting to blush.
And so did you.

"OH! And what about children?? Any names, or ideas?!"
She said excited

Katsuki went wide eyed a little, then looked at you.

You stumbled over your words and began to cry.
"I..im sorry.. Excuse me.."
You said then left quickly to the bathroom.

"I.. I'm sorry if I upset her.. What happened?"
Mitsuki asked.

"W..we.. Lost a baby mom.. I got her pregnant about a month ago and we lost the baby.."
Katsuki said, holding back tears.
"I..im gonna go check on her."
He said then got up and went to you.

"Oh no.."
Mitsuki mumbled, and her husband comforted her.

"Y/N.. Is everything ok?"
Katsuki asked.

"Y..yeah.. I'll be fine.."
You mumbled. K

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