"Baby Or No?"

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You woke up the next day in the best mood you had been in, in what seemed like forever. You got up and went to the bathroom, you saw your cuts from a few days ago, they were light now, so Katsuki probably didn't notice them, especially in how distractioned he was in everything else.

You all the sudden felt arms wrap around your waist from behind and head on your shoulder.

"Good morning."
You said, looking at the sleepy grumpy bakugou clinging to you.

He grumbled.

You kissed his cheek then he moved his head and kissed you. You kissed him back. It was a sweet kiss, not to heat filled just loving.

"Last nice was amazing.."
You said, looking into to his bright red eyes.

"Yeah.. It was."
He said.

You could tell he was slightly embarrassed by his actions.
You smiled at that.

He started.

"Yes Katsuki?"
You answered.

"Uh.. Will you be my girlfriend? I-"
He said.

"Why wouldn't I want to be?"
You said.

He smirked at you and picked you up, and your legs wrapped around his waist.
You laughed.

He took your hand and put his hand over your scars and cuts. He looked at them.

"But this.. It has to stop.. I'll help in away I can't but you can't be doing this anymore.."
He said.

You nodded some.
"It's really difficult to stop.. It's addicting."
You said.

"I know.. But I'll be there with you."
He said.

"Yeah- "
You started then remembered something.
"Shit what time is it?"
You asked.

"Uh like 11am I think?"
He said.

You said and got off of him, you were quickly getting your stuff together.

"Woah woah- have somewhere to be?"
He asked.

You said, panicked.
You told Toga you would be back by 6am and you completely forgot about time.

"Where do you have to go? I'll drive you."
He said.

"No no, you can't. I mean-"
You said.

"What do you mean? And where have you been all this time?"
He asked.

"Look Katsuki, I really gotta go, I'll explain it all tonight ok?"
You said then quickly put on shorts, and grabbed your bag.

"Ok.. Come back here tonight then."
He said and you nodded.

You quickly gave him a kiss then left.

You soon made it back to the base and rushed in.

Dabi gave you a cold stare while Toga sat at the bar.

You mumbled.

"Yeah, you knew the rules. You weren't allowed to leave until your 5th month. You've only been here 1"
Dabi said.

"Look Dabi I'm sorry.. I had to go see someone.. He doesn't know where I am or where I came from, at all. He knows nothing I promise. I didn't go anywhere else but there and back.. Please Dabi.."
You said.

"Fine. You're free. But know if anyone finds this place theyre dead."
He said.

You said.

"And wait a second- he?"
He asked.

"Yeah.. Well-"
You started.

"Is he a boyfriend?"
He asked.

"Just became my boyfriend yes.."
You answered truthfully.

"Did you do anything while you were there."
He said, regarding to sex.

"Well- i-"
You started again.

"FUCK Y/N! I know damn well you're not on birth control, please tell me you used a condom."
You said.

"we did.. I should be fine.."
You said.

"Good.. We can't have a baby around here."
He said.

It had been about 2 months, Bakugou knew about the league, he obviously wasn't very happy about it, but he wasn't planning on being a hero anymore so it wasn't that big of a deal to him.

In that month you kept checking your period callender on your phone, and it was already 6 weeks late and you started to panic. You and Katsuki had been having a lot of sex recently but condoms were used each time and you were very careful, but it still make you wonder.

It had been another week and still nothing. Toga was the only person who knew about this, until she showed up one day and handed you 3 tests. You were obviously denying it, but eventually took all 3 of them and you saw 2 positive lines on all 3.. You were pregnant.

The next few chapters get really sad, I'mma just say that now. But I'm not giving out spoilers. I've been trying to get more chapters out recently, and make them longer, so I hope you guys are liking them! 💕 758 words.

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