⚠ "D..Dont Leave Me.."

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You panicked, scared and lost. What would you tell Toga? Dabi? Hell Katsuki, how would he react? He would be a father. And with the leage, you can be a villain and raise a child. But you would want an abortion either.. And you can't be pregnant and be a villain either.

Most of the leage went out on a mission since you told them you were ill. You went to your room and locked yourself in there. Your mind wasn't right, you went completely numb. You looked through your stuff for drugs, alcohol, a blade, really anything.

It had been about an hour, you had cuts all over your arms and legs. And holes on your arms from injecting god knows what.
You were on the phone with Katsuki and he was extremely panicked but he could hardly get anything out of you.

"And fuck Katsuki.. I'm pregnant.. With your kid.. And look at all this shit."
You mumbled out.

"Wait- WHAT?!"
He yelled.

You mumbled, still not understanding what the hell was going on.

"Where the fuck are you?"
He asked.

"I..i.. Don't.. Kn-"
You stumbled over your words before passing out.

He said.

No response.

He yelled.

Again no response.

He full of emotion and at this point crying.

After a few hours Toga and Dabi found you, Dabi called a doctor that was safe for them, and Toga talked to Katsuki, giving him the address. He had met everyone. He just wasn't allowed to know where the base is, but he was trusted enough and he needed to be there.

Everyone waited outside her room while the doctor figured everything out. He came back out and quietly called Bakugou over.

"She'll be ok.. Just let her rest, and no missions for about a month."
He said.

"Ok.. What about the baby? Are they ok?"
He asked.

"As for the baby, the drugs and alcohol effected the baby. I'm afraid the baby won't make it after a few days."
He said.

Bakugou started to cry just barely.
"Ok.. Can I go see her? Is she awake?"
He asked.

"She's awake. And yes you may go see her."
The doctor said then left.

Bakugou walked into the room and shut the door behind him. He say on the bed, holding Y/N close.

"I..its my fault.. It's my fucking fault Katsuki.. That baby did nothing.. At all.. And I killed them.."
You said through tears.

He gently played with your hair and let you cry on his chest.
"It's not your fault ok.. It was a lot.. I just wish I was here to help you and keep you away from all of it.. Or this wouldn't have happened.."
He said.

You stood up.
"I.. Why don't you hate me now.. Fuck I'm a villain, I killed our baby, I'm addicted to self harm and heroin. WHAT!? WHAT IS IT ABOUT ME THAT YOU ACTUALLY LIKE?! I DON'T WANT YOUR FUCKING PITTY!"
You yelled their sobs.

"Hey hey.. Calm down.."
Katsuki said.

You yelled.

Katsuki stood up as well.
He yelled.
He wasn't good with handling emotion either.
Sparks flew from his hands.

You dropped to your knees, crying.

He got down with you and hugged you.

You screamed and cried, trying to push him away, hitting his back and shoulders, trying to make it seem like you didn't need him. Until you calmed down and gripped him tight, crying on to his chest.

"D..dont leave me.."
You said through sniffles.

"I wasnt planning on it.."
He said, petting your head gently.

This was the saddest fucking chapter omfg-
If you guys want them to have a baby, I might add it towards the end. But I feel like a baby just gets in the way of everything else and is a lot more to write.
Also if you want me to add Kiri in more of my books let me know.
696 words- I'm not joking lmao

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