"bruises" 2

381 7 0

No pov
You started to slip back on your clothes just when you heard the door open.
"Katuki did you forgot to lock the-" you stopped part way through your sentence to see Katsukis shocked and panicked expression. you had assumed it was Mina, she had found out about a week ago but you had gotten her to agree not to tell Kirishima since you just weren't ready yet. but when you turned out you saw your brothers face almost as red as his hair like he was embarrassed but his facial expression and the energy everything gave off was anger..
"Eijiro wait I can explain all of this just-" Katsuki started but he was quickly cut off. "...what THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOURE DOING WITH MY SISTER" He said in an angry yell. "Look I really can explain, I didn't do anything to her I had concent if you would just-" katsuki started again. "I DONT REALLY WANNA HEAR IT. I DONT WANT YOU NEAR MY SISTER AGAIN" He said raising his fists but Mina helped pull them down. She had rushed to the room once she heard the yelling. Katsuki gritted his teeth, starting to get irritated that he couldn't even finish a sentence then was about to  be hit by his best friend. "I'm just gonna go before things get ugly." Katsuki said in a low voice, trying to keep his temper down. he had grown a lot in the past few years. "No katsuki.." you mumbled and grabbed his hand. He looked at you and brought your hand up to his mouth, giving it a soft kiss. "I'll see you when I can.." He mumbled then grabbed his shirt and left the room. You put your hand to your chest and took a deep breath. You then turned to your brother.  "why did you..-" you started then was cut off as well. "DONT EVEN GET ME STARTED WITH YOU" He yelled and you flinched. He had never yelled at you before.. you've never even seen him this angry.. "I TOLD YOU TO STAY AWAY FROM HIM ANY OTHER GUY WOULD DO Y/N BUT MY BEST FRIEND???" He yelled. "..Eijiro, I'm sorry.. I think I love him.." you tried to explain but he wouldn't hear it. "LOVE HIM OR HIS DICK?? FUCKING WHORE" He yelled then swung his hand, slapping you across the face. a strong silence fell over the entire room.. your eyes teared but you couldn't think of a single thing in that moment. Everything just hurt..
Mina tried to calm him but was also angry. She didn't know who to stand up for or what to say.. but Eijiro refused to apologize. He just left the room and Mina followed..
Tears streamed down your face once your door closed. you wiped them off your cheeks and took a deep breath. You went to your closet and opened the door, taking out a backpack and some random clothes. you threw in pajama pants and shorts, and a few tanktops. as well as underwear and a few bras. then threw in your deoderant and travel toothbrush and toothpaste that you kept on a shelf from the summer. You zipped up the bag then slipped on your shoes and left the house as fast as you could.
You didn't know exactly where to go.. you obviously couldn't go to Katsuki.. it would be too much right now.. not after all that.. but then it hit you.
You soon got to Jirous apartment and rushed up the stairs with your bag. You knocked on the door repeatedly until a very tired purple haired girl opened the door. "Who the hell..- oh- y/n.. wait what happened?!?" She asked, seeing your teary eyes and the mascara all over your cheeks. You took a deep breath, about to explain but you just started crying.. she pulled you into a tight hug and you just stayed there for a minute..
You stayed the night there of course.. and jirou was very supportive and comforting like she always was, but was honestly shocked when she found out you and Katsuki of all people were together like that..
You woke up the next morning around 11am. Jirou had went to work so you were there by yourself.
You sat up on the bed and rubbed your eyes. You picked up your phone and looked at all the notifications.

12 missed calls from "Kats"
16 new messages from "Kats"
4 missed calls from "Minaa"
9 new messages from "Minaa"

You kept reading over them in your notification bar but not a single one was from your brother.. it hurt.. you know what you did was wrong.. you should've talked to him about it before doing it behind his back but he couldn't even let you talk or even apologize for what he called you and above all hitting you..
You sighed softly and set your phone down. But once you stood up you heard a knock at the door. You groaned slightly, not wanting to talk to anyone but the person just knocked again and louder this time. You walked out of the bedroom and to the front door. You unlocked it then opened it. When you saw who it was you just froze..
884 words

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