"New Member?"

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"Wait what?"
Dabi asked.

You stood up and placed and hand on his shoulder, running it over his scars.

"I said, I want in.."
You said.

He huffed.
"What kind of trick is this?"

"No trick, I want in. I've thought about being a villain.. Here's my chance."
You said.

"Huh.. What's you're quirk?"
He asked.

"Weather manipulation."
You said.

"Fine, but you stay by me at all times. You leave, I will send someone to hunt you down, and kill you."
He said.

"Fine by me. Now, do I stay here or?"
You asked.

"You come home with me."
He said, taking your hand.

He took you to his house, he's quite quiet, but he seems to be nicer to you then what you've heard about.. Of course this is a set up, your plan is to get the UA and get to Bakugou. You'll figure out with him how to get somewhere else of course. But.. For some reason youre liking this feeling with Dabi..
You arrive at the house, its quite far into the woods, and has guards, honestly looked to difficult to even get a pro hero in. You walked inside and everything seemed expensive and grand, yet chill and comfortable. He motioned for you to follow him upstairs. He showed you a closet.

"My ex left all her shit here, you guys seem to be the same size so find something. You're sharing a room with me so don't open any doors that are closed. Just this closet and my room door is open. Meet me down stairs when your done changing."
He said then left the closet and back down stairs.

You picked out some small shorts and a white t-shirt you found. It was quite big on you, but you liked oversized clothes. You made it back down stairs to find Dabi on the couch, watching TV.

"Is this fine?"
You asked.

He looked to you.
"That's my shirt.."
He said.

"Oh.. Sorry I can go change-"
You said.

"Nah it's fine.. Come sit."
He said.

You sat down next to him and he wrapped his arm around you, it was uncomfortable at first but then you felt surprisingly safe. You liked it.

Ok so- question- Dabi or Bakugou?? I like either one so it's up to you guys, all I would have to do is change the title, cover, and description. I'll chose whichever gets the most votes. Also, smut or no smut? I have a one shots book so if most of you don't want it, I'll add the skipped parts to my one shots book ;)

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