100 Years - Dream

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Not that Dream knew it, but today marked a whole century since he became trapped in stone. That day, the day that creators dubbed 'the Apple incident', was the day that the tree of feelings died, its only legacy being two little guardians. Well one wasn't so little anymore. Consumed by power and negativity, Dream's brother Nightmare had destroyed their entire AU, save for Dream.

Inside the stone, Dream couldn't really do much. Thanks to the empathetic powers he gained from eating the last apple of positivity, every day was a living hell. Dream could feel the suffering of his AU all around him. Thankfully he didn't have much of a concept of time, otherwise he would have gone completely mad decades ago.

For better or for worse, one hundred years had left Dream somewhat numb to the constant negativity around him. And somewhere in his drifting conscious, Dream felt that maybe the stone surrounding him was a little bit like a shield. So he stayed, not enough willpower to break free, and just enough determination to stay mostly sane.

Ink was bored. That doesn't sound to spectacular, I know, but Ink being bored is not a thing that happens often and anyone who gets annoyed easily should run as far away as possible when this happens.

Luckily for all outcodes of the multiverse, Ink's boredom rapidly vanished when he noticed a particular AU that he hadn't visited in a while. Last time he was there, things were a little boring; just two skeletons (who technically weren't even Sanses) chilling by a big tree all day. What what that tree for again? Ink couldn't remember, so he thought he'd go and ask.

Without stopping to wonder why the creators weren't particularly eager for him to go there (come on guys! New outcodes are always a lot of fun), Ink used his paintbrush (Broomy, if you please) and hopped into the AU known as Dreamtale.

For once, Ink's soullessness came in pretty handy, but even he could feel the negativity in the air like static. None of this bothered him of course, because this was something new! And something new always meant something exciting! Surveying the barren landscape, Ink's excitement slowly drained until he spotted a little statue by a big tree stump, and he ran over to investigate.

Dream was abruptly pulled out of the 'in and out consciousness' state he was in when he felt a new presence in his AU. What scared him the most though, is that this thing didn't seem to have feeling, or maybe it just didn't have a soul. But that wasn't possible was it? And wasn't everyone supposed to be dead? Before Dream could ponder the answers to his questions, Dream felt himself being pulled back under the waves that flooded his mind, but this time he had a reason to fight them. Barley managing to hold his train of thought, Dream tried to read this strange presence. But a century of not fighting back meant he was not prepared and he wasn't strong enough, so he was lost once again.

Ink, on the other hand, was having a marvellous time trying to figure out why this statue looked so familiar. He knew there were no Sanses in Dreamtale, so it had to be a statue of one of the little guardians. Reading the notes on his scarf, Ink recalled that Nightmare had indeed left his AU. But Dream hadn't. So what if this statue wasn't a statue...but it was actually Dream himself? Ink laughed out loud, while the creators simultaneously face-palmed (he was so close god dammit!). What a silly thought, even for him!

In the spontaneous way that Ink was known for, he splashed some paint on the ground and hopped into it, looking for something else to do. Maybe he could go and annoy Error for a bit.

Heyo! First chapter is complete! Though if you are reading this you probably knew that already :)

If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

Sincerely, an apologetic potato

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