400 Years - Nightmare

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In the last 100 years, Nightmare's gang had grown from just Nightmare and Killer, to Nightmare, Killer, Dust, Axe (from Horrortale), and Rive (from Fracturedtale). Only Nightmare, Killer, and Dust fought in AU's for now, as the other two were still adjusting.

It was especially hard for Axe, who'd spent a long while starving in his AU and wasn't used to, well, having enough to eat. He was getting better, but there were still boxes of crackers and cereal bars stuffed in all corners of his room. Every few days someone (Usually Dust or Killer) would come by and clean them out.

Rive joined Nightmare's gang only a few days ago. While Rive was only really interested in killing Frisk, he didn't know how to jump between AU's, and Nightmare was willing to help him - if he agreed to work in Nightmare's gang. It also gave Rive somewhere to stay now his AU was reduced to strings of code. Killer hoped he would get used to the occasional spectral outline of humans wandering about every now and.

Killer suspected another reason Nightmare wasn't bringing Axe and Rive on missions yet was because he didn't want the fight to be too easy. Killer noticed the way Nightmare's eyelight sparkled in the thrill of battle, his tentacles springing forward sharp as blades as his opponent dodged between them. It was when Nightmare smiled most - even if that smile was a manic one brought on by violence and hate.

Today was slow, Nightmare's his gang were fresh off the victory of battle and decided to just take a day to relax, and Dust had taken to hanging out with Axe regularly. Nightmare hoped that wouldn't become an issue, but for now it was a useful way to adjust Axe to life outside a starving AU. But Nightmare himself wasn't one to relax often, there was always more work that could be done, plans that he could perfect.

Nightmare sat at the kitchen table, looking over his papers and drinking coffee that had gone cold a little while ago. A headache was blooming in the base of Nightmare's skull and he suspected the coffee wasn't to blame.

Don't be a baby, you're meant to be tough. Are you the the monster who makes people weep? Or the monster who is bothered by the smallest inconveniences?

Nightmare frowned at the voice's dramatic flair - there was no need for it - and Nightmare needed to concentrate. Dust walked into the room, chatting away with the supposed ghost of his Papyrus (aptly named Ash). Nightmare could never be bothered to figure out if Ash was real or not, and he wasn't in any position to judge really.

Do not compare me to some schrodinger's spectral. As you can hear, I'm very real.

Nightmare imagined that's what a pretend voice would say.

Hey! Cut it out! Of course I am real, do you think- Oh, you're just messing with me aren't you?

Nightmare smirked, and confirmed the voice's suspicions that he was indeed joking. The voice would probably sulk about being tricked for a few hours and give Nightmare time to think alone. Just as he'd predicted and hoped for.

"Hey Night, watcha workin' on?" Dust mumbled, as he poured himself some coffee from the pot. He took a sip before grimacing at the cold temperature and pouring the whole pot down the sink. "Just work" Nightmare replied, he wasn't in the mood for a chat, and short replies usually signed that he wanted to be left alone. Surprisingly and infuriatingly, Dust did not go away, but sat near Nightmare at the table and glanced at the papers.

"Dontcha think you'd prefer a break?". Nightmare just scowled, it wasn't for Dust to say when he did and didn't need a break. When a few moments passed in uncomfortable silence, Nightmare gave in and asked with a sigh, "What do you want, Dust?". Dust pretended to think for a while, comically taping his fingers against the table and humming, Nightmare rolled his eyelight.

"Well, me n' the others were gonna watcha movie. D'you wanna join?".

What was Dust playing at? Was it not clear Nightmare didn't 'wanna join'? In the end, Nightmare sent Dust away with a menacing growl. "Suit yourself, I guess" said Dust as he left the kitchen, leaving Nightmare to his work.

"He didn't want to join us?"

"Well, what did you expect?"

"I know I know, its just-"

"Yeah, he'll work himself to the bone one day"

Axe and Rive snickered.

"wha- we don't even know if he has bones! That wasn't a joke!"

Killer just shrugged.

"So, what movie are we watching?"

Oooh a little bit of bad Sans bonding for ya'll. What movie do you think a buncha lads like them would want to watch?

Sincerely, an unhinged amphibian

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