200 Years (P1) - Nightmare

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As much as he hated to admit it, Nightmare was going to need some help-






As much as he hated to admit it, Nightmare was going to need some allies if he wanted to continue his work in the multiverse. Blue and Ink weren't as strong as him, but Nightmare still went home with his fair share of injuries.

Nightmare reckoned the voice knew this, it was just too stubborn. In Nightmare's belief, it was better to admit one's weakness than to be blinded by them-

You got that from a book, its not even your own quote. I never need help, and you don't either! We are strong enough to do this ourselves.

If the voice was a separate person to Nightmare, Nightmare thought that it's stubbornness would probably be the cause of death. The voice could be hanging over a pit of lava, and still refuse to ask for help. That was why Nightmare was the stronger one.

Also because i literally don't have a body dumass.

Argument aside, Nightmare wanted to find an ally in the multiverse, and due to his frequent travels, he knew just the place to look.

Nightmare scoffed, to think this place was once an original timeline, now it was just a dust covered shell of what it was before. Despite his typical arrogance, Nightmare stayed on high alert as the Sans of this AU could be a bit... Volatile, and he probably wasn't used to seeing other monsters, let alone goopy skeletons with huge tendrils.

As he went, Nightmare ticked off the places of the underground in his mind; the ruins, Snowdin, Waterfall, ect. Until he finally came to the judgement hall. There was no dust here, just splatters of liquid hate decorating the floor. Nightmare could feel his powers surge in the presence of such negativity, but he had to keep it under wraps if he ever wanted to get this Sans on his side.

There, sitting cross legged and hunched over in the middle of the floor, was Killer sans. He looked to be whittling a bone with a knife into a very pointy weapon. Why Killer was doing this when he literally had a knife with him, Nightmare wasn't sure.

Nightmare took a little step forward, and lowered his tentacles in what he hoped was a non-threatening way. Killer looked up, and Nightmare saw eye sockets were filled with liquid hate, spilling over the edges and down his cheeks. Nightmare had read about this AU before but it was still a pretty impressive sight.

Killer sat in the judgement hall from time to time. There wasn't much to do anymore. At least he had his knives. Chara would scream I'm rage if they'd heard that. But they were dead. So they couldn't do anything much. Like Killer, who spent his days whittling bones and wandering the underground. Might as well be dead really, but Killer was too full of hate to die.

After Killer had brutally murdered the remnants of his home, something strange happened. A monster that looked exactly like him showed up by Grillbys. They wore a brown scarf and had a huge paint brush. The skeleton whipped around, clearly not expecting Killer to have seen him. Immediately, Killer launched an attack, better to harm first and ask questions later. Or never. The other skeleton gracefully dodged most, but was snagged by a stray blade in his shoulder. With noticing but a slight grimace, the skeleton used his giant paintbrush to paint the ground, and jumped straight through.

Killer was amazed. Could this be evidence of his multiple worlds theory? But his head was a bit fuzzy and the lab work was a long, long time ago. God it felt like another lifetime. He couldn't be sure of anything anymore, not after what that brat, Chara, did. The rest of Killer's day sped by in a red haze of anger, and by nightfall Snowdin had one less house.

But now there was another monster here, Killer decided to be more reserved. He didn't want to chase this one away too. First he wanted answers. Killer had to admit he was a little bit frightened of this octopus-skeleton monster; maybe it was some sort of amalgamation. No, Killer reasoned, a swift *check brought up normal (albeit frighteningly high) stats. His description read "Nightmare isn't just his name". Figures, the first visitor Killer has in years is just as much of a freak as himself.

Still whittling away, Killer watched to see what this "Nightmare" would do. Killer was also surprised he didn't seem to have noticed the *check. The monster took another step forward, and suddenly Killer felt a wave of energy almost crush his soul with sorrow. The hate from his eye sockets started to flow a little faster.

"Wo-oah we're half way there!"
Yep I wanted to do a two parter for this one! If it wasn't clear, Nightmare didn't noticed when Killer used the *check action on because he was overwhelmed by the negative energy. And no I didn't forget about the *check until now that would be totally preposterous...

Sincerely, a very forgetful gamer

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