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A week after the encounter in Dreamtale, Nightmare began to worry. Well, he was already worried about a lot of things. So more specifically, he was worried about the voice. It hadn't spoke to him in a while. So when the voice finally spoke to him, he nearly chucked the cup he was holding across the room.

Hey, Nightmare

Instantly, any anger he felt was replaced with concern. The voice was so quite.

I've got something I need to confess.

Nightmare waited.

I wasn't meant to exist...

Nightmare didn't know what to think. He waited for the voice to continue. To explain.

When Nim was creating you and Dream, obviously she wasn't at the peak of her power, all the bleeding and everything.

Did you ever wonder why you were given the name 'Nightmare' when you where as kind as your brother? That's where I come in. I wasn't meant to be separate from you - I'm part of you Nightmare. The cruelty you lacked was me.

Nightmare felt light-headed and decided to take a seat.

I didn't say anything at first, too afraid you would think you were crazy. When the villagers moved in and started... Bullying you, I saw my chance. Maybe you would still think you were crazy but now you needed me - I could help you.

I thought that apple would help you Nightmare - I really did. Maybe I thought it could help me too but I really did want the best for you. We were two parts of one while after all.

Unfortunately, the apples didn't help either of us. In my case, instead of bringing us together, the power of the apple replaced me. I wasn't needed anymore.

I've been trying to talk to you but I think your soul finally started to realise that I don't belong here.

Nightmare was so lost. Why would his soul only realise such a thing now and not 500 years ago?

You needed me Nightmare. For all your power - you were so lonely. As much as you hate it, the fact is that you missed Dream, and I could fill that gap he left in your soul. At least a little. But you don't need me anymore. You've got family now.

For the first time in his life, Nightmare spoke directly to the voice.

I still need you

You're past that now. You don't need me.

Please don't go

I would like to pretend I'm doing this for your own good or some crap like that, but the truth is I don't really have a choice.

I-Are we friends?

We don't do friends Nightmare

Please, are we?

... Always have been.

When Killer passed the door of Nightmare's room, it swung open just a little.

He didn't mean to peak inside but when he did he saw Nightmare - fearless, heartless Nightmare - and he was crying.

In that moment, Killer had a big decision to make.

He knocked softly on the door, and spoke to Nightmare not as ally, acquaintance, or colleague,

but as family.

Uhm. Goodbye Voice I guess. If you're confused about what just happened, don't be afraid to ask! I know my writing is a little... All over the place 😅.

Sincerely, a mini bachelors degree

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