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As soon as the portal closed behind Nightmare, Dream collapsed onto the grass and Ink saw him shaking.

Even Ink, a soulless being, faltered at the sound of Dream's tears as sobs wracked his body. It must have been a tough 500 years.

Ink sat next to Dream on the grass and did what he always did when he had visited Dream: he talked.

Ink talked about the multiverse and all its wonders and all its horrors and all about the balance. He didn't really expect Dream to take it in right now, but that wasn't what it was for.

Eventually Dream talked too. Any memories he'd made during his time in the stone were fading but the pain was still there. Ink tried to get Dream to leave Dreamtale, but he just couldn't do it yet, so they stayed a few hours longer.

As the sun was rising in the sky, Dream gave Ink a firm nod, and they both jumped through a splash of paint in the ground.

When Ink and another skeleton fell through the roof, Blue was impressed to say he wasn't too surprised. No one ever knew what to expect with Ink.

Blue took two looks at the other skeleton and was surprised that he didn't recognise him. Both Ink and this other skeleton were covered in bruises, scratches, and dirt. Blue went to put the kettle on and grab a broom. Papyrus was not gonna be happy about this.

Once everyone got sat down, Ink launched into a long ramble about this other skeleton - Dream. In the typical Ink fashion, he didn't explain anything simply and by the end of it Blue felt a headache bloom in the back of his skull. From his expression, Blue guessed that Dream had one too.

As you probably know, Dream went on to join Blue and Ink, the three of them going on to be know as The Star Sanses (even though Dream was not technically a Sans, it was more trouble than it was worth to try and explain that to everyone).

Dream eventually realised that he probably was never going to get the brother he knew back, but creators be damned if he wasn't going to try.

Oooooh Swap Papyrus is gonna be so mad when he sees mud all over the carpet!! Ink has caused trouble in that house too many times...

Sincerely, a quick brown fox that jumped over the lazy dog

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