499 Years - Nightmare

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Saturday evening had officially become movie night for the bad Sanses, and once again Nightmare had turned down thier offer in favour of his work. He didn't always use the same excuse - that would be too obvious-

What would be to obvious?

Nightmare froze his train of thought, and went back to concentrateing on his work.

Fine. Whatever. Its not like we've shared the same mind for like, 500 years or anything.

Nightmare did not respond, but he did feel a little guilty.

It was getting really late now, the sun had set forever ago, and Nightmare decided that he should probably finish his work. Maybe he could read a book or two until the morning. Nightmare tried to sleep as little as he could (it helped that he was a normal monster) because... Well the clue is in his name.

As he stood up, flexing his stiff points in his back, Nightmare became aware of a something in his mind. He zoned back in, and the voice was just screaming at him. Then he felt an ice cold grip around his entire body. Something was definitely wrong. He tried to listen to what the voice was saying.


Nightmare had the feeling he should probably go to Dreamtale. Could the voice be right? What had happened to Dream? Could the voice just shut up for a minute? It was giving Nightmare a headache.

Short chapter but hey it didn't really know how to segway this so here you go! Sorry this one is pretty bad :/

Sincerely, a pog champ

I'm too tired to sleep Where stories live. Discover now