100 Years - Nightmare

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Despite his bravado on the night of the Apple Incident, Nightmare left Dreamtale feeling rather scared. Of course he knew about the multiverse theory but to actually be in it was another thing! For the first 30 or so years, Nightmare ahd no idea what to do with himself, hoping from AU after AU, learning about his new form.

Tsh, you mean our better form, we were so weak before.

Eventually, Nightmare got himself together and found a base, he would never call it home - that place was long gone - and he found himself a goal. The details were a little iffy, but if monsters and humans were suffering just like Nightmare did, then he would be satisfied.

Nightmare was cold, cruel. Some creators admitted that he finally lived up to his name. At first, he faced no opposition because no one expected him or even knew he existed outside of his AU. Nightmare spent ages causing suffering and destruction to AU after AU, but he always remembered to leave a few alive - that way there was more negativity to be had.

Grief, loss, anger, hopelessness, oh they are so much fun!

But soo he found that the multiverse was not so weak, and there were those willing and able to oppose Nightmare. His battle with Ink, the supposed creator, had begun. Nightmare was not the only one who fought Ink however, there was also another Sans called Error who loved to destroy AU's - thought it was his purpose or something. Nightmare began to learn that every 'guardian' had an opposite; Ink the creator versus Error the destroyer, Nightmare the Negative guardian versus Dream the positive one.

Well, we already sorted that little problem didn't we?

It wasn't long before Ink recruited an ally called Blue. Nightmare couldn't understand why Ink chose Blue; he was just an ordinary Sans after all, but soon Nightmare learned that he was a formidable fighter and strong willed too. Too bad Nightmare was strong enough to fight the two of them, and when Error was there too things were a, well, nightmare for Ink and Blue.

At his base, Nightmare started to spend more time studying the multiverse when he wasn't out messing with it. The place he had chosen was almost a castle, situated in a pacifist timeline called Haventale. Nightmare knew that those other Sanses would never think to look for Nightmare in a pacifist timeline, so it made the perfect place to stay. In this castle was a library, which delighted Nightmare to no end. For knowledge obviously, not for fun. There was no place for positive feelings in Nightmare. Yep, that's right, he was cold, angry, cruel, no sympathy for anyone at all.

Ugh, I hate it when we still feel things. It's not right. That apple should have fixed this, I suppose it'll fix things in time.

Then there was the voice-

Don't call me that

-that seemingly stuck around after the apple incident. The voice-

I said don't!

-was the one that persuaded Nightmare to eat the Negative apple, and for a while Nightmare though that the voice may have... Taken control of him. But unfortunately, Nightmare could not hide from his actions behind a voice in his head. Nightmare was still in control, just crueler and more ambitious than ever.

Yep, that's right. You can't try to blame me for what you did. You don't even feel guilty, do you?

It wasn't really a question. Nightmare didn't feel guilty for any of the bad things he did anymore... The only made him stronger, and colder, and the more bad things he did, the more bad things he wanted to do, the more suffering he wanted to cause. The voice knew this obviously, it did like to mess with Nightmare whenever it could though. Nightmare sometimes found it funny, that a voice thought it could rile him up. Other times it was just annoying. If he were to read something like this in a book, he'd probably complain that two headstrong characters aren't a good dynamic to write about. They'd just compete for the spotlight and but heads constantly.

Well, that's what we do don't we?

Also true. The only good things Nightmare would say about the voice - and he hated to admit this - was that it gave him company-

You shouldn't need company. Don't be so weak.

-and he knew it was weak. Nightmare just couldn't help longing for the company of another person. Even he had to admit to himself that the whole apple incident left a few scars from when he was still... Like he was before.

But that doesn't matter, we are so much better now. And all this lollygaging is wasting time. Shouldn't you be doing something more productive?

Nightmare stood up from his chair, and put down his book without bothering to fold the page. Usually the voice would shut up and let him read (possibly even enjoying the book aswell) but right now he'd been too distracted to focus. Time to go make some misery he thought, opening a postal to a random AU, then get something for lunch.

Let's get apple pie after


First Nightmare chapter woohoo! I went for a different take on the voice for fun and I think it'd be interesting. What did you think about Nightmare's buddy?

Sincerely, an acrobatic wizard

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