400 Years - Dream

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"But why Ink, you said it yourself; the AU is practically dead anyway!"

Currently, Ink was trying to convince Blue to visit Dreamtale, the AU he'd been visiting almost every week for the past year. Blue was not very interested though, he did not understand why Ink was so insistent when he'd said that there was barley anything there. Ink usually hated empty places and would only go to them if absolutely necessary but now he was asking Blue to visit an empty place voluntarily!

"Because I really think you should Blue! Come on I wanna show you something."

Well that made a little more sense, maybe Ink wanted to show off how he'd decorated the AU, making it less empty and therefore 'better' in his opinion. Unfortunately this opinion is what commonly started Ink and Error's fights; Ink would try to paint some stuff in the antivoid and Error would go bananas trying to get Ink to go away. It was annoying but better than when Error tried to destroy the AU's.

Maybe he should just go along with Ink and get this over with.

Ink was giddy with excitement. He'd finally remembered to tell Blue about Dreamtale (after 100 years I know) and now Blue could meet the statue of Dream, or Dream himself. Ink hadn't decided what to think of the statue just yet, though he was pretty convinced statues didn't randomly cry. Unless it was magic? But who would make a magic statue that cried, that would be ridiculous! Even more so than a statue that was actually alive, or technically used to be alive. Oh! Unless it was a magic statue with life preserving properties!

"Uh, Ink? Still there buddy?"
"Oh right!"

Ink snapped back out of his thoughts, and wielded Broomy as dramatically as possible, and gracefully painted a splash on the ground. Before Blue could protest, he was being pulled through the floor and to wherever Ink was taking him. He could hear Ink giggling with excitement as they fell.

Dream was a little anxious, the soulless being that usually visited him had not arrived yet. It was okay, he told himself, sometimes they missed a week, but Dream couldn't help feeling that maybe they had just forgot about him. That's what his brother did right?

Just as Dream was about to give up on the being for this week, he noticed the feeling of something nearby except, there were two this time. The soulless one he recognised, but the other was brand new. Their soul was currently confused, annoyed, and intrigued. Maybe a little worn out too, Dream knew that his brother may have tampered with the positivity-negativity scale of the world as a 'parting gift' . Dream was curious now, and a tad upset. It was irrational, he knew, but the weekly visits had felt like something special to Dream and now this other person was here to. Dream pushed these thoughts to one side and focused on the fact that hey, maybe he would have another friend!

While it had been 400 years, residual negativity still nipped at Blue's souls from the air as he entered Dreamtale. He immediately felt on edge, and his bad mood only increased when he saw that the AU was, in fact, pretty empty. This led home to wonder what was the reason Ink had brought him here.

As Blue was looking around, an uncomfortable expression on his face, Ink grabbed Blue's sleeve and practically dragged him over to the Dream statue. Then Ink excitedly pointed to the statue.

"See! Look at that!"
"I'm not seeing anything Ink, it's just a statue?"

With a heavy sigh, Ink realised he'd have to explain why this particular statue deserved Blue's attention. Between all the times he'd gotten distracted and the long winded way that ink decided to explain things, it took him a little over five minutes to explain what should have taken a short amount of time. Finally Ink had gotten the message through to Blue, who for the first time today thought that maybe this trip wasn't a total waste of time after all.

What Ink said had some credit, and it was true that he had wondered about the guardian of positivity (if there was a guardian of negativity there had to be an opposite right?). But at the end of the day what could they really do about the situation? It wasn't as if they could break Dream out of the statue, that was presuming he was in the statue and not part of it, and that was presuming he was even still alive.

Ink could see that Blue didn't quite share his enthusiasm, and for all Ink's antisocial behaviours even he knew when to stop pushing things... Most of the time. For one last try, Ink convinced Blue to stay for a bit, maybe the statue would cry.

"Ink it's been forever, can we just go-"

Blue stopped, because just as he was getting up to leave, the statue had started to cry. Little golden translucent tears poored from its eye sockets, curving round its chin and splattering onto the ground. And even more curiously, the grass around the tears seemed just a little less dead than the rest. Huh, Blue wondered how he hadn't noticed that before.

Ho boy, that chapter was longer than usual. I'm aware it's a little messy but I want really sure how to fan this one out. Luckily, I'm sure you lot have an idea of what year comes next...

Sincerely, a Fanta fuelled frog

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