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!ray x bisexual! gn reader!

short one-shot

(manga = attack on titan)

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(manga = attack on titan)

It was a cold and rainy night, the streets were busy. It felt like time stopped but at the same time, it felt like time got faster.

And there you are, sitting on a chair at the dinner table while having second thoughts on what you are about to do. You tried to think positively, keyword tried. Somehow, the negative thoughts just kept slipping into your mind, no matter how hard you tried to not think about it.

"[ Name ]? [ Name ]! Are you still there?" The familiar voice snapped you out of your thoughts, a sigh left your lips.

"Sorry Emma, I was thinking.." you mumbled against the phone.

"[ Name ], if you're gonna think about it, think positively! What's the worst possibility about telling him?" Emma asked, trying to distract you from the subject. Well, she at least tried. But, that didn't stop you from overthinking about the worst things that could happen.

"Yeah, you're right Emma. Thanks for being a good friend." she chuckled softly and smiled "No problem! Well, Ray's gonna be home soon, right? I'll hang up, see you later!" she then hung up, secretly cheering you on.

Speak of the devil, you heard the front door opening, making your body tense up "Darling, I'm home." you soon calmed yourself down, taking deep breaths.

He then came to the dinner table with a smile plastered on his face "You made my favorite food, thank you dear." the feeling of his lips touching your forehead was.. nice and warm, even though it was only a mere second.

"I should get changed first, I'll be back." his figure and footsteps soon disappeared to the bedroom.


"So, how was work..?" you asked, trying to make small talk. He then began talking about work stuff, telling you it was decent "How about you? You seem tense." he pointed out, shoot.

You accidentally choked on your rice and began coughing while Ray offered a cup of water, you quickly grabbed the cup and chugged the water down your throat. Coughing everything out in the process.

"Well, I'll wait. Whenever you're ready." You shook your head and averted your gaze to the ground.

"I want to tell you now, instead of chickening out later." He chuckled a bit and let you continue.

"Well, I'm bisexual.." Then as you excepted silence, but then just a few seconds later you heard a laughing. Looking up seeing a sight of Ray laughing with tears in his eyes.

"What're you laughing at? Are you laughing at me?" Soon the laughter died down and he wiped his tears away "-No, I'm not laughing at you. It's just that I already know." he replied in-between his laughs while you deadpanned at his reply.

"Did.. did Emma tell you?" He shook his head "We've known each other for 6 years. Of course I know, you're my lover." He took your hand in his, bringing it up to his lips, kissing each knuckle "That's not the point.." you stated with a flushed face.

A sigh left his lips "What an idiot lover I have. But, at least you're my idiot." You punched his arm harshly "Ray, that was cheesy."

"You like cheese." He retorted, grinning from ear to ear "That's not what I meant! You're the idiot here." you jabbed back.

The two lovers spent the rest of their night in each other arms insulting and teasing each other.

author's note
any game recommendations? rf5 was announced to have same-sex marriage now, so that's very cool ^^

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