I just realized I probably should of started with this but here we go...
Scripting is writing out what you want to happen in your DR. You dont have to script, but when using certain methods you'll need a script. For example, when using the pillow method you need to put your script under your pillow and visualize.
Scripting just helps you map out what your DR is going to look like. And if your bad at visualizing something to go back to when needed.
You can write your script on a piece of paper or you can type it on something. It doesn't matter. Personally I do both but I more over focus on my paper script.
Again you DON'T need a script, but if you want one that's fine too.
That's all for now. Bye bittysxx
Shifting diary
Randomthis is basically just a diary on my shifting experience. I'll answer as many questions as I can, as well as explaining methods I know.