Chapter Twenty-One

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THE WEEK that ensued was uneventful. Dark and I agreed that we needed to lay low and stay off the Fire Wielder's radar for a couple of weeks. Although it seemed we were cowering from them, I couldn't complain. The first week of December was the week of our finals. If I wasn't at school, I was locked in my room studying. I only came out to use the restroom. I didn't even come out to eat with my mother. She knew how important my first college finals were to me. Mom would place a vegetarian meal outside my door and knock like a humble servant.

Though studying was undemanding for me, I couldn't resist but feel unfocused. Hiro wouldn't retire from my restless thoughts. I had to take breaks when he came to mind. I often found myself gazing off, fantasizing about our next meet and how it would go. Would he confess that he likes me? Will I have the courage to kiss him on the lips next time? I pictured my hands running through his silky raven hair, pulling him close to me as our lips collided...

Concentrate, Stevie! I had ordered myself.

On Friday— the day I took my Materials Engineering final, I was self-reliant as usual. I strolled into class, greeted by my zombified peers. I could feel the energy of the classroom. We were all ready for this one last test.

Before I plopped in my chair, I made eye contact with Adam from the back row. His muddy brown eyes lowered once he held my gaze. I could almost read his thoughts: "Break a leg, Jones. Seriously, break a leg." I wished to myself that he would fail and not return next semester. But It was merely wishful thinking. The kid was almost as bright as me. Almost.

My wandering eyes found Grace. Her gaze quickly steered downward at her book, but I knew she was already looking at me before. I'd been evading her all week. As much as I'd like to confess it was because I needed to study, it was because I was afraid she saw me glowing the other day in the cafeteria. Adam did, so she must have too. But if she did, she would have confronted me like Adam, right?

Focus, Stevie.

Given my natural ability to retain information with my eidetic memory, I soared through my final. When I turned it in, I made it a point to look at Adam. He watched me be the first to finish, his pencil tip snapping from pressing down too hard.


Once class was dismissed for the next couple of weeks, I planned on going home to sleep longer than two hours for the first time in months. Yet the second I exited the room, someone gripped my arm, halting me. I was surprised to see Grace standing there, smiling kindly at me like there wasn't something oddly unspoken between us the past few weeks. I couldn't help but notice how adorable she looked in her winter getup: olive green sweater and bulky coat, leggings, and brown boots. Her hair was braided at the top, connected to a thick, long ponytail.

"Hey, I gotta talk to you," she said. There was something desperate about her touch. I felt like she wouldn't let me go until she spoke her peace. I wasn't worried about Grace. However, I was concerned about her peace. I knew I owed her some attention, given our history together.

"What's up?"

"Epsilon Omega is throwing an end-of-the-semester-party at their house. How about we go together?" Grace asked.

"That's Adam's fraternity, isn't it? Ugh. Pass," I groaned. "Anyways, you know that I don't party."

Grace shook my arm. "Oh, come on! I really want you to come with me. You need to get out more," she begged.

I felt as if this wasn't about my isolation habits but more of Grace wanting a wing-man at the party.

I carefully weighed my options. For the first time in a while, I had a free night ahead of me—a night without dodging Fire Wielders or studying until I can no longer stay awake. Dark and I decided to get back on patrol the day after finals, so tonight was the night. If I didn't seize this opportunity, then I would never get the chance again, at least for another semester. And besides, I knew Grace was getting upset that I was avoiding her. Perhaps hanging out with her would compensate for that.

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