Chapter 2

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Her husband, as I described earlier, was a rather handsome, young man. His face was covered in maple syrup, and looked as if he'd just had breakfast. "Who's this Cassandra?" he asked. "My dear Austin, this is our daughter," the lady Cassandra said.

Austin looked as if he was slapped in the face. As if he'd just been betrayed. "E-Excuse me, our daughter?" "Yes my dear," Cassandra said, and explained everything to her husband.

"Oh- so we're doing a good thing, right? By adopting or would you rather call it, taking in the child with us?" Austin asked, still shook from what had just happened. "Of course, I'll tell them right away, we'll train her, take care of her, and raise her as our own. We'll call her Addison," Cassandra said, and so, just like that, Addison's life began.

If you'd compare Addison's childhood, to any other kids', she was lucky and blessed. The Harrington's gave her everything she needed and wanted, they celebrated her birthdays, took her for holidays to a lot of places. She enjoyed her childhood, and maybe those were the best years of her life. The Harrington's could've easily been awarded the 'Best Parents Of An Adopted Child' award every year. The Harrington's were quite rich.

Cassandra Harrington was a person you'd want to see the face of in the morning. She had that calm, soothing look on her face, the one like that of Albus Dumbledore. Even in the most difficult of situations, she would have the same expression on the outside, even if she was blasting like a volcano on the inside.

Austin Harrington, on the other hand, was entirely opposite of what Cassandra was. He was a clumsy man, even though he didn't look like one. He was the troublemaker of the family, and was always dropping things, wherever he went. Oh yeah, and his specialty was making lame jokes.

Addison was more like her mother, Cassandra. Calm, sophisticated, and too smart for her age. She knew the advanced division even though she was just five years old and had just started primary school.

Dear readers. Right now, you'd be wondering why I didn't tell you anything about Addison's years with her new family. That's because the story hasn't begun. Yet.

So here's how it goes. You want me to do a fairy tale beginning, I'll do it. But let me warn you, this story isn't about fairies and pixies and all the happy, cheerful things in life. No. It's a bit dark, but I bet you'll enjoy it!

Once upon a time (here goes the fairy tale beginning), in London, there happened to be a nice, little neighborhood, and in the neighborhood lived a nice, little family, the Harrington's. The Harrington's owned a bakery shop, right across their home, and worked in a bank. That's how they were so rich. They had a pretty daughter, who'd had a dark past she wasn't aware of, and her life would've been pretty miserable, or rather, she wouldn't have a life, if it wasn't for the Harrington's who took her as their own.

Addison had grown up to be a nice, fine 15 year old, and like I told, too smart for her age. She studied in 'London Public School'. She had two best friends named Olivia and Brandon and till now, her life was amazing. Until something really weird happened one day at school.

Addison would always score really good marks in her school examinations, but she never took her homework seriously and she often got scolded by her teachers for it, but not that it mattered to her. It was a cold winter morning and Addison was having a pretty good day so far. "Goodbye Mum! Goodbye Dad!" she said to her parents and ran for school. She always stopped by Brandon's home before she went to school because he lived just 2 blocks away from her house. They always went to school together. "Hey Brandon!" she said. "Hello queen of the class," he called, and by Addison's look it was quite sure that she looked pleased.

Soon they reached school and their first class was Math. "Good Morning kids!" the Math teacher said. No one responded.  "Home works on my desk. Now."

"Umm, excuse me Miss Potts," Addison said.

"Yes, Miss Harrington.   Why do I hear an 'Umm'? Umm is what comes before an excuse."

"I-I, I actually forgot to bring my homework, Miss Potts." Addison said in a small voice.

"I've had ENOUGH! Every week, every assignment I give you, you, YOU Miss Harrington is THE ONLY ONE who forgets it! YOU OUGHT TO GET A PUNISHMENT THIS TIME! I SHALL NOT SPARE YOU!"

And Miss Potts beat her up. That day Addison went home crying. She wouldn't pay attention in any of the other classes; she wouldn't even talk to Olivia and Brandon. Cassandra saw her crying, and of course, as a caring mother, she was rather tensed about what had happened. Because Addison NEVER cries. She asked her, and after a lot of insistence, she finally told her.

Surprisingly, Miss Potts was never seen after that. This wasn't the first time something so weird had happened. Once a boy named Andy wouldn't share his football with Addison, and she got angry and told her mother, and from the next day, Andy wasn't seen anymore.

Gave you Goosebumps, didn't it?  Scary isn't it? Well there's more to it!

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