Chapter 19

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Addison ran straight to the reception. "Um, hi," she said to the receptionist. "Can I please get Ms. Poonam's address?"

"I'm afraid I cannot do that, ma'am," the receptionist said very politely.

"But it's really urgent. I need to talk to her!" Addison said.

"I'm sorry ma'am, it's not possible. I can lend you her number though."

"Please do that."

"Addison, I'm really sorry to tell you this, but we have to go. The jet is on it's way. It'll be here before we know it. Lucky told us to pack up all our belongings and check out," Peter said.

"Yes, I'll do that," Addison said, tears glistening in her eyes. "How is he, by the way?" she said, sniffing.

"Uh, he's good. We'll be waiting for you upstairs," Peter said and left, leaving her alone.

The grief that she felt could not be explained by me. It simply cannot be put into words. But people as strong and calm as Addison, are bound to get through grief and move on. As someone very wise once said:- 'Grief does not change you, it reveals you.'

Addison went back to her room. Everyone was waiting desperately for her. "I'm really sorry Ad," Olivia whispered. "No Olive. I'm sorry, about your parents," Addison told her. There were tears in Olivia's eyes. Lucas and Hazel were still in the room.

"Listen here girl, I didn't want to make you all sad and cranky. I'm just telling you the truth, which I should've done years ago when you and Olive were friends. I'm sorry I got so late," Lucas said.

"Olivia dear, we're sorry. We should've told you from the start. Take us into to prison if you want, but at least talk to us!" Hazel sobbed.

Olivia's eyes glistened with tears. She didn't say a word.

Addison had packed her bag. They were ready to leave. "I just got a call from Veronica," Peter said. "She says she's really very proud of us for capturing these Evil Side agents. The jet is here. We should leave."

"Well, I'm afraid our work here is done," Siddharth said. Both him and Ayush shook hands with the lot. "I really hope we meet soon. It was a pleasure working with you guys," Ayush said. "If you ever need anything, just let us know," he looked at Addison. She shook her head.

Peter and Addison handcuffed Lucas and Hazel. The spot from where they had to leave was really close to their hotel. Lucky was already waiting for them there. "You kids did the job!" he said excitedly and shot a dirty look at Lucas and Hazel.

Within an hour they were in the plane and soaring over the clouds. Addison was reading 'Looking for Alaska' again. For the hundredth time.

"How many times are you going to read that book?" Olivia chuckled. "Till I get bored of it," Addison replied, smiling.

"Ad, I'm sorry, I really am."

"Me too Olive. You deserve better than Lucas and Hazel."

"No. They're just amazing. They are the best parents. If they would've told me, I never would've had a problem. They'realways going to be my parents, and I'm always going to love them."

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