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Monday 8:30pm

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Monday 8:30pm

It's finally time for the meeting and soon I will be the new owner of the practice.

As I walk into the conference room, I see the woman I couldn't get out my mind since I met her this morning. There Nalani was, talking with Diane and Dr King. I wonder what she's doing talking to them.

Dr. King clears his throat and everyone quieted down.

"Ok.... now that everyone is here let's get this meeting over with" Dr. King said as the last staff member came in.

"As you all may have heard... I'm going into early retirement and-.." he was interrupted by Nalani.

"Your retiring?!?... why didn't you tell me?" she said looking at Dr. King

"Sweetheart... I'll answer all your questions later ok" he said looking at Nalani with a soften gaze.

Sweetheart?... why did he call her sweetheart?

"fine" she said rolling her eyes

She made this pouting face and she looked sexy doing it too.

"As I was saying... since I am retiring, I am going to need someone take over"

I am fucking jumping up and down in my mind right now waiting for him to say my name.

"Ok so the new owner of the practice is Nalani King" he said smiling ode hard, while everyone else is clapped except me.

NALANI!?!!.. wait a damn min-

"Everyone I'd like you to meet my daughter Nalani King"

She is his daughter...

I mean i knew he had daughters but I didn't know the names, let alone what they look like.

But Nalani looked no older 25. Why would he have such a young person run the practice.

I am fucking livid right now. Why would he give the practice to a young unqualified person. I would be better fit to run the practice.

"Nalani, come up and introduce yourself to everyone and tell everyone a little bit about yourself" Dr. King said

I didn't even wanna listen to this bullshit anymore but once she started talking I couldn't stop listening to the words coming out her mouth. Her voice was like music to my ears.
I couldn't even keep my eyes off of her. She had curves in all the right places, her hair was on point and if you looked hard enough, you could see her nipples poking out. But what really drew me in was her smile that made my dick semi hard.

"Hi everyone... My name is Nalani King as you all already know.... I'm am 28-"

wait she 28?!?, shawty looks young as hell. Well they didn't lie when they said black don't crack.

"- I am a cardiologist... and I'm excited to work with all of you" she said finishing with a million dollar smile that made my dick grow a little harder.

First she gets the practice, Then she says she also a cardiologist, and now she made my dick hard with just a smile. Who the hell is she and what is she doing to me?

"Any questions" she asked

"how long have you been a cardiologist for, because you long quite young" someone in the back asked

"i've been a cardiologist for about 4 years now" she answered back

"wait 4 years... how is that even possible" I asked surprising myself that I said that out loud

"oh well.. I skipped the 10th and 12th grade and also I finished medical school 2 years early " she said looking straight at me and smiling.

*(i'm not sure if that math was correct but just go with it😭)*

that must explain why she's a young cardiologist.

"It looks like Dr. Playboy isn't the only cardiologist now" Martha from reception said laughing.

"Martha hush with that 'Dr. Playboy' shit, cause you was all up in my messages talkin bout-" I was cut off by a throat being cleared

"Well alrighty... that's enough" he chuckled "So to wrap this up so you all can go home... Nalani will start in 1 week as the new owner. But as for the time being she will work here, to get used to how things run around here. You can all go now" he said grabbing Diane's hand and leaving.

I left the room not knowing how to feel. All I knew was I needed a drink.

 All I knew was I needed a drink

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Monday 9:00

As soon as everyone left the room I decided to call Bryan, even though I'm upset with him, I still wanted to share the good news.

"Hello" he said

"Hey babe, I just wanted to tell you that my dad passed down the practice to me and I was wondering if you wanted to celebrate with me" I asked hopeful that he will say yes and not stand me up this time.

"oh congrats but I can't... I'm working late again" he said

I should have known better

"are you fucking serious Bryan, again?!.... you know what I'm not even surprised" I said getting upset.

"babe you know I love you but I have to work so I take care of you" he said sounding like the biggest dumbass.

I didn't need him to take care of me cause I'm an independent bitch and I have my own money. I even pay all the bills in our penthouse. I just needed him to be there for me and love me.

"I never asked you to take care of me because I can care for myself... I just need you to be there for me" I said voicing my thoughts

"but whatever.... I'm gonna go out with Veah instead" I said already texting her while he's on speaker.

"your not going out with Veah... I won't allow you" He said sternly

"fuck you mean you won't allow me" I said getting pissed off

"Veah is not a good influence on you and I think you should stop being around her.... she's been filling you head with doubts since the beginning of or relationship" he said

"Is it... is it crack... is crack what your smoking, you just basically told me to cut off my sister... my TWIN sister" I said

I had to laugh cause this nigga is trippin the fuck out.

"Bryan...ain't no way in hell will I ever cut her off... hell would have to freeze over 3 times before that can ever happen. But I'm not bout to sit here and argue with ya crack smoking ass. I'm going with Veah whether you like if it not" I said

"ight be like that Nalani. I got to go anyways... bye" he hung up.

"This nigga got me fucked up" I said to myself

I grabbed my purse and walked to my car and drove to the bar where I was meeting Veah at.

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