Training Camp

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In the music room:
Mio was taking pictures in the room as she sees a box up on a counter.
Mio: Hmm? Light Music Club...
Mio opens the box as they were radios of the Sakura High Fest?

Mio opens the box as they were radios of the Sakura High Fest?

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Mio: Sakura High Fest?

Few hours later after school:
Riko was walking in the hallway as he sees Mio.
Riko: (Wow, it's Mio!) Hey, Mio.
Mio grabs Riko's hand and walks up to the music room as he blushes hard.
Riko: H-Hey, Mio!

In the music room:
Sonic, Yui, and a Ritsu we're getting practice in as Yui was using strings, but it cramped her finger.
Yui: M-My finger!
Sonic: Oh, Yui...
Ritsu: You really forgot.
Yui: Hehe. My grandma was proud of how I forget everything else when I learn something new.
Sonic: Huh?
Ritsu: I don't think she was.
Mio enters the room with Riko.
Sonic: Oh, hey, Mio, Riko.
Riko: M-Mio, what's wrong?
Yui: Mio?
Ritsu: Where have you been?
Mio: We're holding a training camp!
Sonic: Hmm?
Riko: Huh?
Yui: Training camp?
Mio: Yes, since summer break is coming up.
Riko: So that's what it was. I thought you were mad at me for something.
Mio: What? No, no, I'm not mad at you.
Riko blushes.
Riko: (She's too cute...!)
Mio: Oh, Riko, do you have your trumpet with you?
Riko: Yep.
Ritsu: Are we going to the beach?
Mio: We are not going there to play around! This is a training camp for the band. We'll practice all day from dawn to dusk!
Sonic: Training camp, huh? Sounds like a good idea.
Riko: Uhh, Mio?
Mio: Yes, what is it?
Riko: They're not listening.
Yui: I need to buy clothes to wear!
Ritsu: And swimming suits too!
Mio: No! The school festival takes place soon after summer break.
Ritsu: School festival...
Mio: Yes. A live concert at Sakura High Fest was once a renowned event. But now... huh?
Ritsu: School festival...
Yui: School festivals at the high school level are pretty big, right?
Sonic: Yeah, that's how it is all the time.
Ritsu: Refreshment stands!
Yui: Yakisoba!
Ritsu: Takoyaki! Hey, hey! I want to do a maid cafe!
Yui: What?! I want a haunted house!
Ritsu: Maid cafe!
Yui: Haunted house!
Sonic: Hehe.
Riko: Uhh, Mio?
Mio gets angry and hits Ritsu in the head.
Riko: (Whoa...)
Ritsu: Why only me?
Mio: This is the Light Music Club! We're holding a live concert!
Sonic: A live concert? Count me in! Hey, Riko, let's see your trumpet.
Riko: Sure.
Riko shows Sonic and Mio his trumpet.
Sonic: Ooooo.
Mio: Wow, it's a cool trumpet, Riko.
Riko blushes.
Riko: Oh, t-thanks, Mio.
Sonic: *Whisper* Looks like somebody's blushing.
Riko: Hey!
Tsumugi enters the music room.
Tsumugi: I'm sorry I'm late. How about some madeleines?

Few minutes later:
Sonic and the rest were eating snacks as Mio tells Tsumugi about the camp.
Tsumugi: Oh.
Mio: What do you think, Mugi? We decided not to rush it, but we've been together for three months and haven't played as a band yet.
Riko: Wow, really?
Sonic: Hehe, yeah.
Tsumugi: Let's go! I've always dreamed about going on a trip with friends!
Yui: Really?
Ritsu: Then should we go to the beach? Or-
Mio: Like I said! This is going to be a training camp for the band!
Yui: But I wonder how much it'll cost.
Tsumugi: Yeah. Wouldn't getting the money be tough?
Mio: W-Well... M-Mugi...
Tsumugi: Yes?
Mio: Any available vacation homes...?
Tsumugi: We have one.
Riko: What?
Everyone: (You do?!)

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