School Festival

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In the school festival:

Mio: It's already the day of the concert

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Mio: It's already the day of the concert... Huh?
Mio sees Riko in the distance.
Mio: Oh, Riko.
Riko: Hmm? Oh, hey, Mio.
Riko and Mio goes upstairs to the music room.
Mio: I wonder if everyone else is here already.
Riko: I'm sure they are.
Mio: Hey...
They open the door as no one was there.
Riko: Welp, they're not here.
Riko and Mio leaves as they hear Yui's voice.
Yui: Come on over! Bargain time!
Mio: Huh?
Yui was wearing a costume serving students yakisoba.
Yui: One order, right? Thank you, Ojou-chan.
Ojou: Thanks.
Riko: Yui, what are you doing here?
Yui: Oh, Mio-chan, Riko-kun! Here for yakisoba? Hold on a minute.
Mio: Why are you... Not that! We perform today, let's rehearse all we can.
Yui: I'm sorry. I want to practice too, but I have first morning shift.
Riko: By the way, where's Sonic? He's always with you.
Yui: Oh, he's right over there.
Riko, Mio: Hmm?
They see Sonic setting up a hip-hop music as he starts breakdancing as the students were watching.
Riko: Sonic?
Mio: He's breakdancing?
Sonic keeps breakdancing as the students were cheering. Sonic ends with a unique pose as he sees Riko and Mio.
Sonic: Oh, hey, you two.
Riko: I didn't know you could breakdance.
Sonic: Well, I did a long time ago. What's going on?
Mio: We have our concert today, we should practice.
Sonic: Sorry, you two. I'm the same with Yui. I'm supposed to entertain the people here.
Mio: Oh, I see.
Riko: Huh?
The lights start to turn off again.
Boy: There goes the fuse.
Girl: Again?! This won't be cooked!
Girl2: Hey! Only use up to three hot plates! Are you following that rule?
Girl: It's not our fault!
Sonic: I'll go see what's going on, maybe I can fix it.
Girl: Thanks, Sonic-kun.
Sonic leaves for a couple of seconds as the lights turn back on.
Girl: The lights are back on.
Boy: Finally.
Sonic comes back.
Sonic: I fixed the fuse. You girls don't need to worry about the electricity now.
Riko: That was fast.
Girl: Thanks, Sonic-kun.
Sonic: Hehe.
Mio: You're very helpful, Sonic.
Sonic: Well, I'm always happy to help anyone. But anyway, sorry you two, we're kinda busy.
Riko: Yeah, it looks like it.
Mio: Just make sure to come to the music room after.
Sonic: Sure.
Yui: Okay!
Riko and Mio leaves as they see Ritsu by a haunted place.
Riko: Ritsu.
Ritsu: Oh, Mio, Riko.
Mio: Ritsu, do you want to rehearse before our performance?
Ritsu: Sorry, I cant leave right now! See, the line is pretty long.
Riko: Wow, that's a lot.
Mio: Can't someone switch with you?
Ritsu: I'm the one who suggested this station, so I should at least fill the first shift.
Mio: Ou. Then, where's Mugi?
Ritsu points at the haunted room as Mio gets scared.
Mio: Ahh... ahh...
Riko: Oh no...
Ritsu: Thank you for coming! Next couple, go ahead.
Woman: It looks scary.
Man: It actually looks pretty good. Everything will be fine.
Mio: She's in here?
Ritsu: Yeah. Oh, anyone from our class can go in.
Riko: (Phew, I'm lucky.)
Ritsu: It's dark, so be careful.
Mio: Riko, let's go!
Riko: Oh, okay.
Riko goes with Mio as it was dark inside.
Mio: Ahh...
Riko: (Mio's really scared. I should help her.)
Mio: M-Mugi, are you around?
???: Wahh!
Mio: Yahhh!
Mio gets scared as she grabs Riko.
Riko: M-Mio?! (Oh my gosh! She's so close to me!)
Mio: Ahh...
Riko: (I need to help her.) Mio, you're with me alright? Just stay next to me and you'll be okay.
Mio starts blushing a little.
Mio: O-Okay...
Mio grabs Riko tightly as he blushes.
Riko: (Guahhh! Must endure the cuteness!)
Riko walks ahead as Mio was holding Riko.
Mio: M-Mugi? Where are you?
Tsumugi: Mio-chan, I'm here.
Mio: Mugi!
Mio turns around seeing Tsumugi as a dead ghost as Mio was freaking out.

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