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Before the chapter starts, I just wanna say happy late birthday Yui Hirasawa! I was hoping to do it in your birthday, but it didn't work out. But, I hope your birthday was great. Without further ado, let's read the final chapter of Sonic x K-On!!!

In Yui's house:

Yui: You have pretty big eyebrows

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Yui: You have pretty big eyebrows.
Tsumugi: Yes. Actually, they're... takuan.
Yui: Ahh!
Yui takes the takuan and takes a bite out of it.
Yui: Yummy!
Tsumugi: What is?
Yui was having a dream as Sonic and Ui were with her in the room.
Yui: Takuan. The monk?
Sonic: Huh?
Ui: Your fever hasn't gone down yet.
Yui: Oh yeah, I have a cold. Achoo! Ui! Sonic-kun!
Sonic: Yui...
Ui: Here, blow your nose.
Ui gives Yui a tissue as she blows into it.
Yui: Thank you, Ui.
Ui: We'll let the school know.
Yui: Thank you. Oh, you'll be late, you two.
Ui: There's ice cream and orange jello in the fridge.
Yui: It's a treat. Thank you.
Ui: Call our cells if anything happens.
Yui: Yeah.
Sonic: Ui, I'll catch up ahead.
Ui: Okay.
Ui leaves the room.
Sonic pats on Yui's head.
Yui: Sonic-kun...
Sonic: Get better soon, so we can do the culture festival together. When you're better, there's something I wanna tell you.
Yui: Sonic-kun...
Sonic: Get better soon, okay?
Yui: Okay. Sonic-kun.
Sonic: Hmm?
Yui: Wants I get better, there's something I wanna tell you after the festival as well.
Sonic: Alright then. Promise?
Yui: Promise.
Sonic and Yui pinky promises.
Yui: Thank you, Sonic-kun.
Sonic: Anytime.
Sonic leaves the room.
Yui: (Sonic-kun... My heart's beating. I love Sonic-kun. I wonder what he's gonna tell me when I'm better...)

In class 1-2:
Azusa: Her fever still isn't going down?
Ui: No. At this rate, she won't be ready.
Azusa: Four more days...
Ui: I wish I could take it from her. By transferring her cold to me.
Azusa: Transferring... how?
Ui: Like... mouth to mouth!
Azusa: (What a bold girl...)
Ritsu: Excuse us!
Ritsu, Riko, and Mio enters the classroom.
Mio: Don't scare the freshman!
Mio smacks Ritsu in the head.

Few minutes later:
Mio: I see.
Ritsu: Catching a cold now is a clear sign that you've been slacking.
Riko: Hold on, didn't you gave her the cold?
Ritsu: Huh? Me?
Azusa: Yeah! The timing matches.
Ui: But the other day...

Few days ago in the club room:
Ms. Yamanaka: Pick out a stage outfit from here!
Sonic: What?
Riko: No way.
Ritsu: You're forcing us?
Mio: When did you make so many?
Ms. Yamanaka: Pick anything you like. Like this... waitress!
Tsumugi was trying out the outfits.

 waitress!Tsumugi was trying out the outfits

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