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In the music room:
Ritsu was looking at pictures of people in the music club and Sonic and Yui enters the room:
Yui: Hey, Ricchan.
Sonic: Hey.
Ritsu; Hey.
Yui: So hot.
Sonic: If you're hot, Yui, you can use me as an air conditioner.
Yui: Really?
Sonic: Yeah.
Sonic shakes his hands fast enough as he makes Wind for Yui.
Yui: Ahh, so much better. Huh? What're you looking at?
Ritsu: I found something fun.
Sonic: What is it?
Ritsu: Look.
Ritsu shows the two the pictures of people in the Light Music Club.

Sonic: Hmm?Yui: What's this?Ritsu: I discovered this in the box that Mio found the other day

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Sonic: Hmm?
Yui: What's this?
Ritsu: I discovered this in the box that Mio found the other day. I guess these are old pictures of the Light Music Club.
Sonic: Really?
Yui: This is really something.
Ritsu: Makes you wonder how old the band really is, huh?
Yui: Huh? Y-Yeah.
Sonic: Hmm...
Sonic takes a closer look as he notices something.
Sonic: (Hmm? Doesn't that look like...)

Few minutes later:
Mio and Riko enters the room a few minutes later as Yui and Ritsu were playing their instruments.
Sonic: Hey, Riko.
Riko: Yeah, what's up?
Sonic: *Whisper* You and Mio have been walking together lately.
Riko: *Whisper* Yeah, ever since that camp, she's been talking to me a lot lately.
Sonic: *Whisper* Heh, good for you.
Yui was playing her guitar as she cuts her finger.
Yui: Ouch!
Ritsu, Mio, Riko: Huh?
Sonic: Yui, what's wrong?
Yui: I cut my finger.
Riko: Oh.
Ritsu: That looks painful.
Yui: Mio-chan, you look too.
Ritsu: Huh?
The others see Mio in the corner scared.
Mio: I can't see. I can't hear. I can't see. I can't hear.
Ritsu: Wahh! I popped my blister from practicing the drums to much!
Mio: Ahhh!
Ritsu: See? See?
Mio: Wahh!
Riko: Ritsu, c'mon. You know Mio doesn't like it when you scare her.
Ritsu: Yeah, but that's what makes her cute! See? Look! My blister!
Mio: Ahhh!
Riko: Oh man.
Sonic: Looks bad, Yui.
Yui: Mhmm.
Sonic: I'll take you to the office, so they can give you a band-aid.
Yui: Thank you, Sonic-kun.
Ms. Yamanaka: Excuse me. I'm just borrowing some music stands.
Ms. Yamanaka enters the music room as she sees Yui's finger bleeding.
Sonic: Yeah, about that. Could you mind giving Yui a band-aid?

In the hallway:
Tsumugi exits a class as she sees Sonic and Yui.
Tsumugi: Hmm?
Yui: Ow! The disinfectant really stings.
Ms. Yamanaka: Okay, okay. Now, don't move your finger.
Yui: (She has a pretty desk.)
Ms. Yamanaka: There, all better.
Sonic: Thanks, Sensei for giving her a band-aid.
Yui: Thank you.
Ms. Yamanaka: Let's see...
Ms. Yamanaka checks her fingers.
Yui: Umm...
Ms. Yamanaka: Still no good. You'll cut your fingers again with skin like this.
Yui: Ehh?
Ms. Yamanaka: It'll happen a lot, but soon your skin will harden and you'll be able to play well. It happens to everyone.
Yui: I see... Huh? Do you play guitar, Sensei?
Ms. Yamanaka: No, my friend used to.
Sonic: Really...?
Ms. Yamanaka: Take care.
Yui: Ah, yes.
Sonic: Thanks, Sensei.
Sonic and Yui turns around as they see Tsumugi looking.
Sonic: Oh, hey.
Yui: Mugi-chan!
Tsumugi: Ehh?
Yui: Did you need something, Mugi-chan?
Tsumugi: O-Oh, I was just thinking that it was pretty...
Sonic: Hmm? Pretty?
Yui: Oh, you mean Sawako-sensei. Anyway, where were you before that?
Tsumugi: Oh, Mio-chan asked me to go request  some stage time for the school festival. But they denied me since the Light Music Club isn't recognized as an official club.
Sonic: Huh?
Yui: Oh. I see.
Sonic: No, Yui, that's bad!
Yui: Ehh?!

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