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Flashback in Yui's house.
Yui and Ui were kids as they Yui was putting the star in the Christmas tree as Ui puts a chair for Yui.
Yui: Just a little more...
Ui: O-Onee-chan! Are you alright?
Yui: Yeah, I'm fine.
Yui tiptoes up as Ui holds her leg for Yui to put the star on top of the Christmas tree.
Yui: Got it!
Yui stumbles as she jumps down on the floor.
Yui: I wonder if Santa-san will come again this year? I forgot to do my homework and didn't finish my lunch... I wasn't a very good girl this year, so maybe he won't. Please bring me a present.
Ui: It'll be okay, nee-chan! I'm sure he'll bring you a present!
Yui: You should make a wish too.
Ui: Hmm... I wish we'll have a white Christmas this year.
Yui: "White Christmas?"
Ui: That's when it snows in Christmas and everything turns white.
Yui: Ooo?

The next day:
Yui runs up to Ui's room.
Yui: Ui! Ui! Hurry! Hurry!
Ui: Wait, onee-chan!
Yui grabs Ui and runs with her outside.
Yui: Ta-da!
Yui opens the door as Ui sees the snow on their tree.
Yui: It's a white Christmas!
Ui: Wow! Huh?
Ui gets closer to the tree as she touches the snow, but was fluffy.
Ui: Onee-chan, is this..
Yui: Hehe. Pillow stuffing!
Ui: Ahh!
Yui: Hehe!
Ui starts to laugh.
Ui: Hehe!

End of flashback:
Ui starts laughing a bit as Sonic and Yui we're decorating the tree.
Sonic: Hmm?
Yui: Ui, is something wrong?
Ui: No. I hope Christmas will be fun again this year.
Yui: Sonic-kun, this is your first time having Christmas with us.
Sonic: Yeah.
Yui: I'm happy you're here for Christmas.
Ui: Same here.
Sonic blushes a little.
Sonic: Hehe, thanks, you two.

Sonic, Yui, and Ui walks with their uniforms as Yui wears her scarf, and Ui was wearing her mittens.
Ui: It's gotten cold.
Sonic: Yeah.
Yui: Mhmm... Huh? You're not wearing your scarf?
Ui: No, I think it blew away when I hung it up to dry.
The wind blows them as it was cold for Ui.
Sonic: Wow, the wind is catching cold.
Yui: Oh.
Yui puts her scarf around Ui.

Ui: Onee-chan!Yui: So warm, so warm

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Ui: Onee-chan!
Yui: So warm, so warm.
Sonic: (What a nice sister you are, Yui.) Hmm? Where's your other glove?
Yui: I think I lost it.
Ui puts her hands on Yui's hand.
Yui: So warm, so warm.
Yui, Ui: Hehe.
Sonic: (Glad those two are happy.)
Ui: Oh, Sonic-kun, aren't you cold?
Sonic: Oh, no. I don't get cold from this. I'm actually warm.
Yui puts her other hand on Sonic's.
Sonic: Yui?
Yui: Yeah, you are warm.
Sonic: Mhmm.
Yui holds his hands and puts her scarf around Sonic as they were all in her scarf.
Sonic: Yui...
Yui: Hehe, now we're all warm.
Ui: Hehe.
Sonic: Thanks, Yui.
They all walked together as they go to their schools.

In the club room:
Ritsu: Guys! I made a poster for the Christmas party!
Riko: Hmm?
Mio: Huh? Were we planning a Christmas party?
Ritsu: I haven't told anyone yet.
Sonic: Wow.
Ritsu gives Mio the poster.
Mio: Date: December 24th. Place: Mugi's house. Fee: 1,000 yen. Huh?
Tsumugi: Umm, my place is not available that day.
Ritsu: I was afraid of that.
Tsumugi: My place is busy all the time, so you have to make reservations at least one month in advance. I'm so sorry!
Mio: I-I see...
Everyone: (What kind of family...)
Tsumugi: What about your place, Ricchan?
Mio: Oh, heck no. Her place is so dirty that there's no place to step.
Sonic: Wow, really?
Ritsu: What?! Hmph! Mio leaves her clothes lying around. Like her panties.
Mio: Ehh?!
Riko: Huh?
Sonic: What?
Mio: D-Don't make stuff up! I have photos to prove it.
Mio: All lies!
Ritsu: It's not.
Ritsu shows them the picture.
Sonic: Umm...
Mio: T-Two rolls... panties...
Everyone: Ugh...
Ritsu: And also...
Ritsu has more pictures in her hand as Mio was embarrassed.
Sonic: Huh?
Mio: Uhh...
Mio: Ehh?! Stop! Please!
Riko: Why do you even have pictures of her room, anyway?
Ritsu: Uhh... don't worry about that!
Tsumugi: Wh-What about your place, Yui-chan?
Yui: It's fine.
Ritsu: Yay!
Mio: But is it okay for so many of us to come over for Christmas?
Sonic: What do you mean? Christmas is the time of year where everyone has fun times together. Of course it's fine.
Yui: Yeah, both my mom and dad will be gone that day.
Ritsu: They weren't there the last time we went to your place either.
Yui: They go on trips together. They're going to Germany on Christmas.
Everyone: Huh?

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