Camp Again

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In the city:

Ui was standing by the sidewalk waiting for Azusa as she arrives

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Ui was standing by the sidewalk waiting for Azusa as she arrives.
Azusa: Hey!
Ui: Oh, Azusa-chan!
Azusa: Sorry for taking so long.
Ui: That outfit's cute!

In a fast food restaurant:
Ui: The Light Music Club has a training camp soon, right?
Azusa: Yeah, we'll be staying there three nights.
Ui: My sister said it was really fun last year.
Azusa: It was fun? Do you think she meant that the practice was really fulfilling?
Ui: Y-Yeah, I think so...

Flashback in Yui's house:
Yui was showing Ui what bikini should she wear.
Yui: Oh, Ui! Isn't this cute?!
Ui: Yeah!

End of flashback:
Azusa: I see. they gave such a wonderful performance, so hopefully during training camp... (Will we really be fine?)
Ui: What's my sister like in club?
Azusa: She's... well...
Ui: Yes?
Azusa: She doesn't practice at all, she gave me a weird nickname, and she keeps touching me.
Ui: She's warm and feels good, right?
Azusa: No, that's not what I meant. What is she doing today?
Ui: She's at home with Sonic-kun. Sonic-kun's making some food for her since she doesn't handle heat well, and she hates air conditioning too.
Azusa: I can picture her being lazy. Oh, what's Sonic-senpai like since he lives with you and Yui-senpai?
Ui: He's the best thing you could ask for. He's really nice and helpful a lot. He usually does the work while me and onee-chan relaxes. He's like a big brother.
Azusa: I see. He's really that good of a person.
Ui: But Yui's been lazing around all day recently, so Sonic-kun usually handles it.
Azusa: How pathetic.
Ui: But She's really cute when she's lazing around!
Azusa: (How can we see her so differently?) I would want a big sister like Mio-senpai.
Ui: Yeah, she's kind and cool. Would you want a big brother like Sonic-kun?
Azusa: When you said stuff about him, yeah.
Ui: What about Ritsan?
Azusa: Mmm... She's really unfocused and sketchy, so I'll pass on her.
Ritsu: Oh? Who's unfocused?

Ritsu was behind Azusa as Azusa gets scared

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Ritsu was behind Azusa as Azusa gets scared.
Azusa: Wahh!
Azusa then apologizes.
Azusa: I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry...
Ui: Hello, Ritsan.
Ritsu: Hey. I saw you in here, so I came in.
Ui: Are you by yourself today?
Ritsu: Yeah. Mio's at summer school.
Azusa: Don't you have to attend it too?
Ritsu: Me? Summer school? Why?
Azusa: (I figured...) Oh, by the way, I've been wondering about this for a while now.
Ritsu: What?
Azusa: Mugi-senpai brings in tea sets and has a vacation home. Is she from a really rich family?
Ritsu: She is! She has a butler at home, and she goes out of the country for vacations!
Azusa: Really?!
Ritsu: Wouldn't that be cool?
Azusa: So you don't know.
Ritsu: Then, let's call her up and go visit.
Azusa: Can we do that on such short notice?
Ritsu calls Tsumugi, but she doesn't answer.
Ritsu: Huh? She's not answering her cell phone. I'll call her house.
Ritsu calls her house.
Butler: Hello.
Ritsu: Someone answered. Oh, is this Tsumugi-san's father?
Butler: No, I'm the butler for the Kotobuki family.
Ritsu, Azusa: (They really have a Butler!)
Ritsu: U-Umm, may I speak with Tsumugi-san, please?
Butler: She is currently on vacation in Finland.
Ritsu: I see. Thank you. Excuse me.
Ritsu ends the call.
Ritsu: S-See? It's like I said.

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