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In class:

Sonic and Yui were in the class, when Nodoka comes in

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Sonic and Yui were in the class, when Nodoka comes in.
Nodoka: Yui, Sonic.
Sonic: Oh, hey.
Yui: Nodoka-chan.
Nodoka: Let's go home together.
Yui: Ah, sorry. We have to go to club activities today.
Sonic: Yeah, sorry.
Nodoka: Is that so? Well, I guess that can't be help. (Seems like she's finally found something she wants to do. She also has someone to take care of her, too. I don't know if I should be happy or sad.)
Yui was spacing out.
Nodoka: What's up?
Yui: Mugi-chan brought delicious snacks today!
Nodoka: I thought you were going to play guitar?
Sonic: Haha.
Yui: (When I was in kindergarten... in elementary school... and in middle school... I've always been bumming around. And now that I've entered high school... I'll be participating in club activities for the first time!)

In the music room:
Sonic and Yui enters the music room:
Sonic, Yui: Hello!
Ritsu, Mio, Tsumugi: Hello!
Yui: (These four are my friends from the light music club. Bassist, Akiyama Mio-chan.

She's tall, cool, and mature

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She's tall, cool, and mature.) Hey, Mio, why do you play bass instead of guitar?
Mio: Thats because... playing guitar is embarrassing.
Yui: Embarrassing?
Mio: The guitarist is like the heart of the band. She has to stand in front and play. Naturally, everyone is looking at her, right? Just thinking about myself in that situation.
Sonic: Yeah, it makes sense. You're kinda like the person who's not really good being in the front.
Mio then spaces out.
Tsumugi: Whoa! Are you okay?
Yui: (The keyboardist, Kotobuki Tsumugi-chan.

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